
It may or may not have helped that (relatively) recently a TERF politicians called Transgender people “Mutants” and “X-Men.” In a public hearing, no less.

That’s because any facts that don’t support patriarchy and white supremacy are evidence of “Globalist sabotage.”

Slimer exists but miniature Stay Puff marshmallow men are a bridge too far.

Surprised he didn’t just try to get Hamm on as a replacement for Costner (unless he did, and Hamm turned him down)...

The only thing more confusing than how corporations expect people to pay for things after cutting as much paying jobs as possible, is how companies expect to make money by shutting down anything they have to sell.

Don’t you DARE wish that evil on us all!

The best time to make a Repo Man “sequel?” During the Trump Administration.

Unless you’re stuck on the world where the heroes screw up or don’t show.

If The Irishman does nothing else, I hope it reminds people why Unions were an important thing to begin with, and before he became a legend for disappearing, Hoffa was a legend for what he did for workers.

Someone needs to tell the Embracer Group that by buying up the Deux Ex property, they did, indeed, ask for this.

Right, he lost his left arm.

Yeah, sorry. The first I ever heard of Johnny Cash was an episode of Columbo.

Sorry, It’s just I only remember three country songs.

Serious question; what is the difference between violins and fiddles, and how are you supposed to tell one from the other.

She kind of looks like Gillian Anderson in the photo.

Fuck this; I see no problem with fictional despots getting tossed to the curb.

Then why are they so bad at doing business?

Slightly off topic, but last Sunday was the anniversary of the death of The Big Bopper, Ritchie Valens (who was only seventeen) and Buddy Holly, who also performed on Ed Sullivan.

Perhaps I’m giving too much credit to a guy who probably thinks of nothing but “getting his three commas,” but I’m starting to think Zaslav has something personal against this movie.

This is an interesting trend.