
I never watched any of the Kingsman films (well, except for Argyle, assuming we’re counting it as a Kingsman film) so I had to look it up on Youtube.

Apologies for sounding thick, but, assuming she wins, how exactly does Gina Carano expect this to go?

Post Malone has more tattoos than Robert DeNiro did in Cape Fear (and Max Cady was still savvy enough not to get tattoos where a judge could see them).

The one joke I remember from is Splash is Tom Hanks’ character saying how John Candy’s character “brought a date to his own wedding.”

I just saw it, and I thought it was good.

Just when the bloody hell did it become unreasonable to not want to catch an airborne disease?

Can’t decide what’s harder to believe; that a party is hell bent on burning down their country to rule over the ashes, or that I’m siding with bloody goddamn Disney.

It’s nice to finally see I’m not the only one here cursed to double post.

I guess if people are still talking about it, Nathan Felder and Benny Safdie knew what they were doing after all.

I swear someone on the inside is trying to make sure this fails.

Embracer was founded by the same guy who bankrolled Hulk Hogan’s lawsuit in order to bankrupt Gawker.

Coyote Vs Acme, Halle Berry’s latest project, everything the Embracer group has buried.

I swear the only replies I’ve dismissed are from some guy calling himself “The End of Gawker” or something. Your replies are all right here.

Here’s a crazy thought; Her body, her choice?

Them being miserable is all well and good, but I wish there was a way to stop their damage.

So Kelly talks shit, and Moriarty’s the one who has to leave, because Kelly is basically a real life Stormfront (in that Kelly doesn’t have “fans” so much as she has “an army”) that will make social media unbearable for Moriarty.

And what was wrong with Butler in Timeline?

Thank you for clearing that up.

Kind of seems redundant to me, as Pokemon was basically about capturing wildlife and forcing it to fight other captured wildlife just so you could gain some sort of social status (and for the entertainment of the unwashed masses).

Ok, I’m an idiot; I finally read the part where they said they sent the film to Bezos on his yacht.