
I care because those racist misogynistic assholes have guns.

Or, if they must cast an American, tell him not to bother with an accent at all.

You must be a blast at parties.

Three to four years? You expect the shareholders to wait three to four YEARS for their ROI?

Whatever direction the comics take, I hope Charles Xavier goes back to using a wheelchair.

Careful, you’re making me dangerously close to interested.

Stupid question, but did anyone ask him about Warhammer 40K comparisons?

My brother and I are the biggest Warhammer 40K nerds we currently know (we’re also the only ones we currently know, so that ‘s not saying much) I collected White Dwarf for 15 years, heck I have the original Inquisitor book from the early 2000s. And I’m really sorry to be that guy, but we do NOT need a Warhammer 40K

There’s more than Threads, you know. There’s Mastodon, Hive...

Soulless is never a word I would use to describe Snyder’s work.

Those adamantium claws are too large. They’re supposed to be small enough to be concealed in Logan’s forearms. Those pictured wouldn’t even fit in his arms lengthwise, let alone side by side with his arm bones.

Old man yelling at clouds here (and basically missing the main topic of the article) but those claws in the photo are WAY too large.

I’m wondering why there a third Dune movie.

At least the drugs were something he did to himself.

So why aren’t we building the guillotines now?

No plan survives contact with humanity.

It’s based on a novel listed as Historical fiction, and it was published almost seventy years after Auschwitz was overrun.

Funnily enough I don’t seem to get these guys anymore. I’m not sure if they were kicked off, or if YouTube finally got the message after I clicked not interested time and time again.

Both I guess.

This is the first movie I saw in the theater in years and the only one I’ve seen in theatres recently; it’s great.