
Think flea markets will have any ribbons for said typewriters?

With all those ratings, it was a shame* he couldn’t keep any advertisers, apart from the MyPillow guy, apparently.

Maybe I put too much faith in Brian Stelter, but Tucker’s firing was likely inevitable due to a LOT of things besides the Dominion suit.

Reminds me of something I ordered from Writer’s Digest called (I think ) a Neo.

So how do we get the McRib back?

So why did they just no try to sell the movie to another studio BEFORE canning it and pissing almost everyone off?

Did Kojima position himself so that the image on the wall behind would look like sprouting horns on purpose?

I don’t think The Crystal Skull is the reason, I think it’s all the “critical drin- “I mean “critical thinkers” and sad puppies that can’t stop bitching on Youtube and X about how the 80s haven’t come back like they were promised and “women aren’t going back into the kitchen.”

I suppose this explains why Tesla have been so slow (or more accurately, not bothering) to cut loose the Albatross around their neck.

Sorry for sounding thick, but I do not get why WB doesn’t just release the movie. Are they not in the business of movies? How big is the tax write off they’re expecting, that they would sacrifice a movie that’s testing well and getting buzz, for it?

Like Harry Dean Stanton once said; “Fucking millionaires never pay their bills.”

And for the guy who says “I just can’t write off half the country,” I watched Trump and the GOP “write off” more than half of the country for four years.

My sympathies.

As Joachim Phoenix once told Nicholas Cage; “You dance with the Devil, the Devil don’t change. The Devil changes you.”

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Grand Theft Auto 4's Radio Stations were AWESOME!

This makes me wonder; does anyone have any data on how popular Stevie Wonder’s Skeletons became after the trailer for GTA5?

ANNND now that I took a second look at the list, I feel stupid.

I do feel sorry for the guy, but I don’t see this working out the way he hopes.

The fact that “Last Christmas” by Wham! (or any bloody one else who covered it) is not on the top of this list, or on this list, shows how full of garbage it is.