Initially misread that as “The Witches.”
Initially misread that as “The Witches.”
That’s the very stable genius’s problem.
Sorry, wrong article, meant to post this:
Sounds about reich.
In 2015, I started to wonder if stupidity was just as bad, if not worse, than malice.
I always loved her.
Sorry to be a Denny Downer, but have you considered the possibility that they’re not so much oblivious to the point of the Rage song as they are trying to appropriate it? They’ll likely fail but there’s always some chance they’ll ruin the song for someone in the intended audience because they think of old trumpers…
That’s what I said! I wonder if Billie Ellish knows she’s an Ardat Yakshi?
Mass Effect trivia: Samara was voiced by the Maggie Baird, the mother of Billie Ellish.
As you can probably guess from my question, I am NOT the person to ask about Miles Morales.
Deleted due to commenter’s remorse.
Just a giant reminder to everyone, Trump is not required to concede.
Don’t suppose it’s too much to ask for Ubisoft to record the “podcasts” with someone else and patch them in?
Holy shit, I’m scared to ask if you’re serious.
I know Miles has the bio electric shock and the camouflage, but are there any powers Peter Parker has that Miles doesn’t?
Personally I’m glad Trump never got a pet.
I doubt she knows enough about Europe to actually tell us. According to other commenters, the house is apparently modeled after the house of Versailles, which would fit with the Third Rule of Dictator Style: Think French (royalty).
Kind of funny how he’s been reimagined as a hero considering he’s the textbook example of a terrorist (similar to how “will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?” is an early example of stochastic terrorism).