Why didn’t they just make the witches like the previous film?
Why didn’t they just make the witches like the previous film?
I don’t get the eyes: medium thing. Wouldn’t his eyes have been brown or blue? Maybe green? What exactly are medium eyes?
Except wouldn’t that affect the online pvp, because other players wouldn’t be able to see what armour you’re wearing?
According to Google, Descante is French for descendant. Add that to it being “modeled after an old European estate,” and it seems she’s trying to say she’s like European nobility (I might be jumping to conclusions).
What was Patton Oswalt’s role in Blade Trinity?
Anyone ever noticed how Christian Slater and Jack Nicholson seemed to have the same hair and eyebrows?
Sounds about reich.
The most attention I ever got on Twitter was for saying John Depp was abusive to his women.
The fact that real life London has fewer firearms might help explain why the Deadsec recruit that starts with a MP5 might help explain why she’s been banned for life from the London Zoo...
I liked Dalton.
Haven’t actually seen Sleepaway Camp, but I heard the Final Girl was looked down upon for her age (and maybe other reasons).
Wouldn’t the other woman in High Tension more accurately be the Final Girl?
Isn’t that how Sleepaway Camp ended; The final girl was also the killer?
Especially since she was allowed to leave without so much as an “I don’t know her!”
It seems to be a case of story and gameplay working at cross purposes. Everyone recruited has to be on board and fully committed so you can “play whoever you want,” which seems to be the game’s main feature.
At some point within the last twelve years, I’ve seen so many things that would once have shocked me with how racist they are, that the only conclusion for them being successful is that they were successful not in spite of but because of the racism.
Two things hinder my suspension of belief.