
Because it’s ALL the alt right has had since before the John Birch Society came about. When the Civil Rights protests started, the JBS claimed they were a communist plot, when the Women’s Liberation movement started, they were called a communist plot. Even now, RNC is calling BLM a “Marxist Liberal plot” because they

The problem, to me at least, is that in the end it doesn’t matter much if they intended it or not. Whether the damage is done through stupidity or malice, the damage is still done.

Ah, V. The show that was originally pitched as a Nazi takeover of the US. Seriously, that’s where the Nazi overtones of the visitors came from, they were originally supposed to be American Nazis.

Without double entendres for subtitles, Ratchet and Clank are just not the same.

Sounds about reich.

Sounds about reich.

They should have demanded he ask the Academy to be reinstated in person.

I think he would have. The smashing of the hives strike me as a spur of the moment crime, lashing out without a fuck given to whom they’re lashing out at

I’m all for abolishing gated communities, or at least renovating them so the gates lock from the outside.

War is Peace.

You’d think the biggest disappointment in this story would be Voight, but instead it’s Dean Cain.

Someone had to lock him in the Target store with Jennifer Connelly.

You’re giving him more credit than I am if you think he could even lift an assault rifle.

Aren’t all of “the Boyz” using Compound V as well?

Wrong footage. I don’t know why Tank Man is used as the headline image but the actual Tiananmen Square footage is of a bunch of students standing on top of a tank and hitting it.

I dream of a world where Trump OD’d in 2014 and PSH is still with us every night. I imagine Hoffman plays the starring role in a film adaptation of Ripley Under Water.

If they were necessary, they wouldn’t be decadent.

The first Iron Chef episode (the real one, from Japan) had natto as it’s main ingredient. It was the first I ever heard of it.

In fairness, Purple Noon was released thirty nine years before The Talented. And with a name like Purple Noon, people may not have known it was an adaptation unless they were explicitly told.