Why does everything seem to have salmonella now?
Why does everything seem to have salmonella now?
The fact that it’s “the least commercial sounding,” to use your words, is probably what made it a hit. Like when Berkeley Breathed invented Bill the Cat, he was trying to make a mascot that no one would like. No one, and yet Bill the Cat is one of his most famous characters, right next to Opus.
I made the mistake of renting Minghella’s Ripley and watching it when my mom was home. She sat down and watched it with me, and got very angry and loud that the movie was about a sociopath who kills a man he was attracted to and then keeps killing to cover it up.
Maybe they should have called it “Seeks Same.” Kind of heavily foreshadows the plot but this was the decade Hollywood admitted trailers were there to give away the whole plot of the movie.
So what does the game do to the Denver International Airport?
If there’s no afterlife, where was the Pork guy calling from after he died?
If MFS relies on Bing maps for it’s simulation, what happens if Bing Maps goes the way of Apple Maps?
Why would sex workers be forced off Onlyfans in place of celebrities? Isn’t there unlimited (virtual) space? Are the celebrities asking for them to be removed?
Slightly off topic but one of the Youtubers I follow is streaming another Souls like game I never heard of until I saw his channel.
Married with Children... Unless you were underage, which she was.
What kind of masochistic monster would watch them back to back?
To me, he’s a fucking disappointment.
I don’t remember the last time I’ve seen or heard an “insufferable vegan,” but I do remember watching a guy on the food network say bacon was “the best way to bring vegetarians back into the fold.”
Remember when Cruz talked about how the Democratic party was the party of Lisa Simpson? Good Times.
The character changed. Vice City had a younger, cockier version of Lazlow, San Andreas had him as someone still recovering from the 80s, and Gta4 had him going full tilt boogie.
Hot take, but Lazlow’s funniest appearance was his first in GTA 3, ironically because he was playing the straight man. His reactions to “cheap pimp from upstate Fernando Martinez,” “karate expert Reed Tucker,” the woman bitching how much phones ruined Liberty City or the asshole who makes his kid sweep chimneys were…
The armory guy eventually left too. In fact, he said he had to leave, or he’d have been killed.
Who tries to fly a real plane without a license?
Except UNATCO was rotten. They made it pretty clear it had become what ICE is now, only worldwide. Replace Trump with Elon Musk and the DOJ with the UN Security Council, you basically have Majestic 12.
It’s the one where a guy is targeted not only by the assassin who’s gone crazy from being invisible too long but from the government officials who made the invisible man to be their personal assassin. He turns himself invisible to fight the officials as much as the assassin.