
Hopefully the 160 thousand dead will move people to vote in ways his racist rants couldn’t.

Hot take, the Direct to video sequel Hollow Man 2 was actually better. 

He straight up lied to his superior that they failed to actually make the gorilla invisible and visible again so he could be the first person.

I thought Zero Hour was another attempt by DC to chase the dragon that was Crisis of Infinite Earths.

A Piece of the Action is probably my favorite episode of TOS.

Excuse me?

But where the humans chasing the tiger?

They chase the tiger in the nude? Or is it the other way around?

Now playing

Warning, this video has really loud audio.

A social studies teacher in high school talked about how countries with very harsh legal systems (he used Singapore as a frequent example) would seem to have less crime, but when crimes were committed they were almost always vicious. Robberies, for example, would be very violent, since a robbery alone would be

Grain of salt, but something to consider:

In the off chance TikTok IS spyware, maybe it’s better if Donny the Tramp bans it and pisses off the young generation than Joe Biden.

Kermit’s head looks very asymmetrical. Too many karate chops from Ms. Piggy perhaps?

If you can’t see that’s wrong with her dining with a confessed Russian Asset and the leader of Russia itself, you don’t want to see.

Next question.

I hope it backfires with the fiery fury of a thousand suns.

It’s not a “non-issue” and TRT-X pointed out why better than I could. “Toning him down” normalizes Trump, and downplays the signs he was never fit for office to begin with.

“[E]verywhere that we could, we dialed it down,” he said. “We made the contrast between the bags under his eyes and the orange skin softer than it actually is. We made the hair a little less cartoonish than it actually is. We made the suits fit a little bit better. We went out of our way to play fair because we felt

Sorry, I should have typed:

Just keep the mustache and do it any way.