How long is the mustache? Killinger’s mask seems to go all the way to his upper teeth.
How long is the mustache? Killinger’s mask seems to go all the way to his upper teeth.
Question; is it really worth hating this guy so much?
Is it offensive if that MNGOP tweet makes me go “Jesus?”
How did you get the job?
My sympathies. My last job was working for a doctor who had assistants of color, patients of color, even a Coptic doctor from Egypt assisting him.
That’s part of what amazes me. I thought “the hate mongers would crawl back under their rocks” in Nov 2008, but instead more seemed to crawl out of the woodwork.
I’m sorry if this sounds ignorant, but the sexism, racism, the various phobias, they’re escalating, aren’t they?
Maybe we need more old Aunties in the world. At the very least, he sounds like another reason to repeal the Second.
Twitter has taught me that “weirdest cat ever” is a very competitive field.
Sounds about reich.
2001: a Space Odyssey?
I saw a cat kissing booth in a Youtube video.
Planet Trump.
Stupid question, but if “aliens are coming back,” where the heck where they when we were getting our smart phones with cameras?
Why couldn’t it be Tech TV that came back instead? You know, the channel that actually educated people about tech- Sigh, never mind...
What do you mean?
Apparently, to quote a Jezebel commenter, whose name escapes me (my apologies), the best time to read these books is when you’re too young to read them.
So, no Washington Red Tails then?
I completely missed these women. When I was watching the white trash opera, Amy Dumas, or Lita as she was known then, was the big woman in the ring.