So what are the chances any of these peddlers actually tried to contact him and get permission to use his name/ image for their product?
So what are the chances any of these peddlers actually tried to contact him and get permission to use his name/ image for their product?
What can I say, getting old sucks.
As long as she’s a senator, she obviously isn’t “cancelled.”
In the long term yes, right now I’m struggling to keep punching the keyboard. At least keep punching it when I’m not on Twitter or Jezebel.
Probably the one neurotic bullet I dodged.
For some reason, I doubt you’re that sorry.
I struggle to write a twenty page novella.
Stupid question, how many times do two women have to kiss each other on the lips before “their relationship is official?”
Awww shit, what’s raping that poor woman now?
Off all the fucking 80s songs this fucker had to be the prescient one.
Sounds about reich.
Allegedly that was staged to make Spencer look like a “martyr.”
Haven’t we said this before? That either this or that person knows where “the bodies are buried?”
Don’t watch GOP propaganda; it gives you too much hope that Democrats will actually improve things.
I thought Kelly was killed by Bastion?
Never actually read this. The only time I saw it in person, I was, though I’m a little embarrassed to admit it, triggered. Anyways according to Goodreads it’s a bunch of short stories about women and their short time hookups, and all this Kate Beckensale stuff reminded me of it.
Regarding your headline, I’m sorry but I don’t think Putin’s coming to pick him up anytime soon. Regarding this:
Don’t know, but there’s still time.