
The Black Lives Matter statue in England has been taken down after barely 24 hours. [New York Times]

I just noticed that myself.

Grant Imahara (sp?) died following a brain aneurysm. Sorry for sounding selfish but I never should have logged on tonight.

I’m knocking on wood you’re right.

I like the animation, I’m just surprised they drew her like Holli Wood from Cool World.

Maybe they think the awkward dancing is part of her charm?

No offense to anyone, but I HATED the ending to HL:A. Not only did it rob the Episodes of their dramatic impact, it also (apparently, at least) reduced Alyx to a damsel in distress.

Now playing

Of course, now I find the clip I spent an hour looking for before giving up and going to yarn...

Seriously, this guy boarded the Trumptanic pretty much when his ass starts sticking into the air.

So why did he do it? Did he just not know what his main demographic was? Does he just not care?

No, it was her. But she wasn’t investigating something against Donny the Tramp’s wishes, so Barr “intervened” on her behalf.

Sadly, I was unclear. I like the song and meant to say I hate myself for liking it. It’s ok.

How about Lady Asshat?

The more I hear about “cancelled people,” the more I think cancel culture should be a thing.

Larson’s best work:

You know, if the “very stable geniuses” running the US and UK put half as much effort in stopping the spread of the virus as they are for forcing people to expose themselves to it, then maybe “their economies” wouldn’t be doing so bad.

I always assumed he looked like this:

I was calm. 

Bechdel Test is overrated. Technically, Jurassic Park barely passes the test, if it passes at all, because Ellie Sattler and Lex Murphy don’t really say anything to each other.