One of the most (if not the most) depressing things about growing old isn’t so much how fast the times change as how fast they can change back.
A movie about a woman getting a divorce? in 1939? Damn.
I think of her as a Suicide Girl because she looked like a Suicide Girl. Piercings, tattoos, the partly shaved head.
I can still feel sorry for him.
Gun murderers have a name, Betty White.
Isn’t the cruelty the point?
In Canada. Why is it so much to ask to have ST in Canada?
I’ve looked for Starship Troopers on Netflix, and they said they don’t have it.
That wasn’t Ironside, that was Rico’s original commander. He and his buddies are transferred to Ironside’s unit after the disastrous landing.
Knocking on wood. Hard.
The most depressing thing about WD1 to me are the sidekicks. You start out working with a fast talking gangster of Chinese descent (spoiler: he’s a psycho who betrays you), partner up with a Suicide Girl (NOT my choice of term) who is also a hacker (and dies), then finish the game with an alcoholic redneck who makes…
I’ve heard this movie has no men, but I’ve also heard that men are almost all the women talk about. Is this true?
Probably because many conspiracies allegations (not using the word theory) are a form of projection.
Probably because many conspiracies allegations (not using the word theory) are a form of projection.
I understand if “no one cares why,” but I am very mystified at Ms. Rowling’s determination to die on the hill of transphobia.
Except Perot split the votes for Bush, not Clinton.Nader and Stein didn’t take squat from the other Bush or Trump.
This smells like Jill Stein. Or Ralph Nader, for you oldies.