For what it’s worth, when Jeffery Epstein was arrested, Clinton released a statement condemning Epstein’s crimes.
For what it’s worth, when Jeffery Epstein was arrested, Clinton released a statement condemning Epstein’s crimes.
I doubt Eric Prince would be interested in protecting people from the Purge. No way would he get to kill as many Muslims as he’d like.
What if you’re in a situation like the Purge, where no help is coming? Or what if the people you’re hiding from break in before help arrives?
Interesting that you mention the film panic room, because one of the only things I remember about that film was Jodie Foster saying “Panic Rooms are dumb, don’t get them.”
Did anyone else have a crush on the teacher from Dazed and Confused?
No argument here. Ever since I heard about the “nickname” all I could think of was my sister’s friend as a kid, named Karen.
The problem with gated communities is that the gates unlock from the wrong side.
Sorry, your reference flew over my coo coo’s nest.
He is going to pull Mugabe shit, at best.
Eyes Wide Shut indeed. Speaking of which, that movie made a lot more sense after two terms of Prince George.
Isn’t Qanon pro trump? Why did she run against a man Trump endorsed, then?
Again? I thought they laid off all their employees earlier in the pandemic.
Shut Up and Sing was made fourteen years ago. And they didn’t just get blowback for talking shit about Bush, their cds were collected and crushed by tractors.
What doesn’t in the internet age?
Maybe I’m just a boorish philistine, but to me, the interior photos all reeked of “Dictator Chic.”
Definitely an unpopular opinion, but I hope they try to emulate the sword and sorcery pulp storied that inspired D&D at least as much as Lord of the Rings did.
I watched the pilot twice in a row and the second episode (once) to try and see what every one saw in it, and I came away with nothing.
I don’t know, I still say the actual live action Mario Bros film is the weirdest.