Maybe because it’s so hard to trust anything Moscow Mitch says.
Reading about people reading this book is, irrationally, very fascinating.
Well, considering the bloody virus jump to a bat to a pangolin and from a pangolin to humans, yeah I wouldn’t bet my life on the virus not being able to jump to my species.
All I can say is these assholes conveniently forgot Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, which clearly showed the storm troopers were created from a person of color.
Except, GL hired an actor of (partially) Maori descent to be the source of the storm trooper clones.
What day was the day of the chase? I would have thought that was a more appropriate day.
Slightly off topic, but can anyone who’s read the V.C. Andrews books recall ever noticing a change?
I’m sorry for the ignorant question but how many William of Oranges were there. In your third last paragraph I thought for a second you were talking about William the Silent (or Cunning).
Don’t forget Roy Cohn.
I prefer this version better:
I’ll settle for teargassing him out of the White House.
I’m pretty sure the whole point of Calvinism is to contradict the spirit of everything Christ may have said.
Sherry cant be aging that slow, RE 2 took place in 1998, RE6 came out in 2012.
Well, you know how it is for a woman working for Trump. You have to be twice as evil as Jared or Steve to get respected half as much, and even then the boss will probably complain you’re not fifty years younger than he is.
Another question, why would a drug used for cancer be used for doping?
Chris Redfield is old. His first appearance was in 1997. Jill Valentine is old. Rebecca Chambers is old. Claire is old.
Trying to imagine what GTAS 5 would have been like if the star rating was harsher for Franklin than Michael, or even Trevor. Like, if you played as Franklin, any infraction resulted in a minimum two star wanted level and the wanted level took longer to wear off.
I’m kind of surprised the people who told them to “Shut up and sing” haven’t tried to do so themselves