Anyone only getting the text of the tweets and no images?
Anyone only getting the text of the tweets and no images?
Is this the show where the guys say “I don’t have a problem with cocaine...”
Oh no, not Sarah Silverman, too...
Again, before the (widely available) internet, times didn’t so much change as drifted. I grew up in the 80s watching mostly shows from the 60s and cartoons from the 50s (and I thought they were contemporary).
Something tells me he wasn’t that sorry.
My move loves Bones, even to the point of getting season DVDs. If that show is gory, that surprises me.
The thought of Doobie Brothers as bible thumpers makes me chuckle because they’re the guys who did “Taking it to the Streets.”
In the past few years, we’ve all said a lot of things wouldn’t happen today... Right before they fucking did.
Is it mansplaining if I point out he was likely never ‘hinged’ to begin with?
Perhaps when he claimed he had a big penis was lying?
I’m pretty sure every writer on IO9 is watched more closely than most people that walk down streets with assault rifles slung over their shoulders where everyone can see them.
I swear I saw a post somewhere on Gawker about the the trippy, sometimes frightening openings Criminal Minds had. I remember seeing something about a crawling woman who seemed to have a porcelain face that was cracking.
SVU is the type of show that has season long villains?
I’ve been trying to make “Donny the Tramp” happen for about two years now.
Not Trapt, too...
From who? Who’s still in business and for how long?
I thought this show was known for groundbreaking or at least disturbing visuals. Wasn’t it rather infamous for disturbing scenes?
Stupid question, but why? What about Isiah Thomas was so threatening to Michael Jordan?
I thought judges were expected to remain silent until they were directly addressed, like when a objection was called, or until it was time to inform the jury of their duties or pass sentencing.
Meh, guy always sounded like an actor reading lines.