
I always thought Dennis Hopper played the bad guy in this. Not that he didn’t have problems of his own.

Well isn’t the train moving through a constant winter? Prolonged cold must do something to the tracks, wouldn’t it?

Slightly off topic, but do either the movie or the show explain how a train can keep going in a post apocalypse? Who maintains the tracks for it?

Funny, soothing, and deeply human.

I was going to post a quote that could arguably be the one time Donny the Tramp said the truth. Unfortunately, it’s apparently fake

Counterpoint, he was an athlete, and 6' 5" too.

Slightly off topic, but I heard that Hannibal was written the way it was because the author was sick of all the shipping he saw between Hannibal and Starling (or at least something similar to that).

Forty years ago, the whole Cannonball Run thing started because some petulant (mostly) white Americans were butthurt over “having to drive at the snails pace” of fifty five miles per hour, just to save a few lives each year.

How big was her role in Detroit Rock City? Was it just the classroom scene?

I stopped in the first season because I burned myself out watching too many episodes one after the other. But regarding the girl, I assumed Will cared for her because he felt guilty about not saving her mother and Hannibal cared for her because he thought of her as a kindred spirit.

Now playing

Are the lyrics more submissive than “Hey Mama?”

Trump is stupid?

Not nearly as much as he could do in lame duck years.

I have a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment.”

But wasn’t this show already on Netflix? I swear this is where I’ve watched most of the episodes I’ve seen.

I thought his film was the one with women being turned into chickens.

Her current life doesn’t count? It sure seems bizarre to me.

It was made by a high profile director (however suspect his skill at directing may be) and that was enough to help normalize and give credit to “BEEENGHAZZZEEE!!!”