Violent Fellowknees

My only hope is that she’s delaying the impeachment inquiry until closer to the election. But that’s a dangerous game too- you will be accused of using impeachment as a campaign technique and not playing fair. Sadly, that will resonate with a lot of ‘independent’ (if they exist) voters.

No, it’s a great way to win. None of the other candidates came out swinging specifically at Trump. Lofty ideas are great, but Trumps responses to Biden show that Biden is *already* getting under his skin, which is exactly what I want from a candidate.  None of the ideas floated by *any* of the other Democratic

I kind of wish he had a super heavy Minnesotan accent, and I also kind of wish when he killed Theon he would have looked right at the camera and had asked: “Cold enough for ya?”.

“It just felt white, y’know?”

You’re also missing “no swag” which seems like just a regular whistle.

“Maybe we’re going to be the Green Bay Model, where Rodgers sat for three years. Who knows?”

I have great difficulty understanding how pathetic one must be to go to a football stadium to watch the NFL Draft. This is the equivalent of people in the ‘90s camping out in front of their local Tower Records to be the first to buy the new album by, like, Everclear.

“James Comey was found burnt and crushed to death today after a spontaneous wild fire broke out around him due to improper raking and a firefighting plane doused him with 15 tons of water on the orders of President Trump”

What time does “What Time Does Game of Thrones Start” start?

You know what was awesome about Paul Pierce? Kevin Garnett.

The federal government can’t fund every worthy program, but we can probably scrounge up a few bills for fighter jets, great walls and tax breaks for someone like me.

Meghan McCain is so goyish she puts mayonnaise on pastrami sandwiches.

I’d like to see the Democrats have an actual viable path towards consistently competing for a Senate majority before we discuss eliminating the filibuster.

Wednesday: “Yeah Nancy Pelosi is fucking amazing the way she owned Trump last night during the SOTU, on top of how she destroyed him during the shutdown. Thank God she’s on our side.”

Nancy totally stole your lunch money, bubbeleh. Sad!

That’s a good point. He has light source(s) on him and they’re still like that. 

But don’t worry, we’re quickly at work to decide just how bad of a loss this was for Democrats via the progressive angle.

It was, in short, all a huge waste of everyone’s time, and the shutdown is no closer to being solved than it ever was.


where is the friendly neighborhood Manure Truck when you need one