So true. It’s like they don’t realize spearmen->pikemen->lancers is the shittiest path.
So true. It’s like they don’t realize spearmen->pikemen->lancers is the shittiest path.
It’s not like this is the first time American Assholes overplayed their hand...
I would normally agree with this...but he has spouted so much incriminating shit. Let him keep going!
Also there doesn’t need to be any quid pro quo for him to be impeached for asking a foreign leader to dig up dirt on his political opponent.
For all the trolls bleating about the supposed lack of an “explicit quid pro quo,” it’s right there in the middle of the fucking call:
John Sterling Must Be Stopped
You can’t stop John Sterling, you can only hope to contain him.
What happens to a wave deferred?
I don’t get the misguided love this person got over some wonderfully timed platitudes. Her mindless vaccine takes and bullshit pseudoscience background are more than enough to dismiss her as a cuckoo for cocoa puffs numpty head who fooled more people than I thought possible.
It’s not clear to me how getting Mueller to make some public statements about his report that ran clearly counter to Trump’s characterization of it hurts anyone, and I haven’t seen anyone saying they thought this would be some Aaron Sorkin monologue-esque moment where Mueller scored a fatality on Trump’s Presidency…
what you have now, so great looking and smart, a true Stable Genius
Goddamn. I mean I usually detest the hyperbole around Twitter burns but goddamn, that’s brutal.
Would the Mecca of the world...not be Mecca?
So....Meghan McCain appears to be on the correct side of an argument, and is captured on film giving some pretty good side-eye.
Man, that guy is playing 15-dimensional chess, how are we supposed to beat someone thinking so far ahead of everyone else.
I really miss seeing Jon Stewart tell truth to power nightly. We need more of this.