Violent Fellowknees

Or - and I’m just tossing this out there - we prosecute the fuck out of all these criminals because a third of our voters are racists who don’t need an excuse to vote for the biggest piece of shit they can find and will claim any justification available for their vote.

Nah, they’re already shedding tears for him. If they haven’t bailed yet, they won’t ever. If anything, exposing all of his bullshit might peel off a few of the remaining on-the-fencers. Go big or go home.

Fox has convinced people that not being an asshole is an unbearable burden.

If I’ve learned anything here over the past two years, where we go from here is:

What? Just off the top of my head I remember multiple instances whereboth Hagee and Robertson got harsh criticism for their antisemitic views and conspiracy theories. It’s not conservative Christians and evangelicals that have an issue with antisemitic bullshit. It’s baked into their beliefs and it’s certainly not

Holy shit, if you can’t trust football coaches & Catholic priests these days who can you trust?

Her father must be rolling over in his grave.

Why do Republicans hate successful women so much?

Counterpoint: It’s very good.

Can you imagine how shit america would be if Black people and other minorities gave up as quickly and easily as white progressives?

I think he’s a stupid person’s idea of what a rich person is, a stupid person’s idea of what a smart person is, and a stupid or weak person’s idea of what a strong person is.  You can be poor and still see people like Warren Buffet or Mark Cuban as a better alternative to Trump--you just have to not be stupid.

Yeah, that’s why all the news organizations need to take a large portion of the blame for his presidency. If they would’ve just ignored his dumb ass, we probably wouldn’t be here. He wasn’t even a “serious” contender until every news outlet began airing all his rants.

there is an expression you often see on T-shirts and bumpers stickers that goes more or less like this: “Jesus Said It. I Believe It. That Settles It.”

Andremove infant/childhood death from the calculations. 

And that would be the last time anybody named Anderson caused Vikings fans to swear about his foot costing them a chance to score. 

It’s understandable that Henneke and others disapproved of Devlin’s sudden incompetence, but it seems strange that they’d be outright hostile to his decision to let young people charged with crimes off the hook. After all—it’s their mission to reduce youth incarceration.

I hope Trump and everyone protecting him dies a slow miserable painful death of the worst kind. Saying this as someone who has watched half the people I love the most die the same way in the past decade. I truly, honestly, wish that hardship and pain on these people and those they “love”/”love” them.

That’s definitely not true.

This was actually an ad for their new sitcom, “Triumph of the Will and Grace.”

New England should have seen it coming when Derek Anderson called out “Readyyyy.... down.... HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT