Violent Fellowknees

Long time Giants fan. Is it just me, or do Gettleman’s (and the Giants generally) justifications for doing things recently (like trading OBJ, picking Jones over Haskins) come off as racially coded? “Negative culture.” “Mature.” “Fiber.” Hmmmmmmmmmm. Like they get rid of Beckham for complaining that they lose too much

Yeah, but you don’t know what that choice is. 

Welp. Hey, at least Joe Scarborough scolded him!

No, they won’t stay home because centrists by nature will vote for the person that most closely approximates their beliefs instead of throwing a shitfit and voting for the green party or not voting at all if their candidate doesn’t win the primary like the Bernie cultists.

They say the prisons are overcrowded but fortunately that won’t bother her.

Let me help you organize your thoughts. You’re thinking “Biden was touchy-feely and that’s yucky and inappropriate”. But you’re also thinking “It’s really important that Trump loses.” What you’re forgetting to think, and this is where my help comes in, is “does Biden’s level of yuckiness rise to the level of nullfying

It was Fox News’ bad luck to interview an information specialist. After all, information is Fox News’ Achilles heel.

Luddism is one of the central philosophies of the Trump constituency

Could be sedatives

So, it’s true after all: Trump is an insane, incompetent maniac. After all, he’d have to be to commit obstruction of justice and subject himself to a wide-ranging investigation that puts himself, his family and his business interests in jeopardy, EVEN IN THE ABSENCE of an underlying crime creating the impetus for such

There’s actually a good reason to impeach him, which is that it would prevent him from pardoning these cumstains.

If the Giants' culture is incompatible with the minor transgressions of a transcendent talent, the problem is their culture, not the transgressions.

Yeah, like, hate to break it to these people, but if there had been no filibuster in place from 2016 to 2018 we would have lost the ACA, there would be a wall and who knows what the fuck else.

Not that you can trust anything these fuckers say, but it's interesting that the costs that are actually "green" related (grid, trains, etc) are relatively cheap compared to the other items.

Her continued viability as a candidate depends entirely on what kind of dressing was on that salad. If it was anything creamy, especially Bleu cheese, she’s done.

Thomas could be in play possibly based on his and Scalia’s dissent in the Kelo case.

In Russia, face sit on you.

Climate change is an emergency. The inclusion of the nice-to-have ornaments undermines the point that it’s an emergency. You don’t buy a margaritaville blender when you are fleeing from a burning building. 

It’s from "Taken 3".

Shouldn’t it be Rudy Ghouliani?