Brian Emophiliac

if i play i'll have that music stuck in my head for the next month. so good.

"Some argue that if companies like Verizon and AT&T throttle the highest-bandwidth users—the 1% of Internet customers—it'd lead to faster Internet for average Joes and Janes everywhere." this is the lie they tell us so the racketeering looks legit. the fcc is going after at&t after they offered a premium rate for no

i'm just happy the game wasn't lost completely

while i'm not totally indoctrinated into the pc master race i've been looking at steam boxes and thinking this could be a great gateway but the then i see everyone say you could build your own for cheaper. so i'm gonna say check out ( pc part ) it makes everything fairly simple to figure out.

demons had way better co op in the beginning later on the servers had mostly overpowered trolls. the dedicated servers made online so much more reliable than dark souls.

phil fish... is that's you? i'd like to apologize for the internet. that said, you mention tom cruise, and while i don't condone it i'm sure he has his creepy fans /shitty critics too. i'm sure any top actor / actress or triple aaa game is gonna attract a sect of people who feel powerful from being critical on the

i looked at it and thought sort of the opposite. but then again i haven't tried the haptic feed back perhaps that's better.

you could always move to portland and go to ground control daily, right? but seriously though i miss going to arcades too.

environmental preservation demolition expert. i thought i misread that.

yeah last time i looked online i think i only found it for too much on ebay.

even if the xenomorph is blind why is it animated like that, just so it has a visual tell?

never played a monster hunter game but if i could play online and with other people i might.

i liked dark cloud but i need to find a cheap copy of dark cloud 2

also can we get that rumor of an hd skies of arcadia to be true.

just go to the bell tower and have oswald of carim absolve you haha

or conversely i'd like to see more perfected toon like sprites ala ninokuni. either way more realistic physics and art assets for both ends of the spectrum please.

you have much higher esteem for who runs the banks in this country than i do. lol but yeah, your point is valid.

that was actually my fourth place spot and by the system they used it wouldn't get any representation. i still need to buy a copy and finish it.

true, but so did ni no kuni.