Brian Emophiliac

while the last of us was my game of the year i like your comment cause it was respectful and articulate unlike many of the others i've seen. i wish i could play all the bioshock games to get at those stories, but personally i hate first person perspective in games cause i find it really jarring. without any sense of

(insert pro gun anti gun flamewar here.) actually, don't.

admittedly i haven't played any of his games but suda 51 comes to mind.

maybe you missed it but anonymous hacked a neo nazi group about a month or so ago and found emails and support from ron paul.

so so many good psone jrpgs i don't know where to start. how about final fantasy 4-9? final fantasy tactics, wild arms, legend of dragoon, chrono trigger, chrono cross, vagrant story, xenogears... there are also some old survival horror games like the first couple of silent hill games, resident evil, and parasite eve.

my beef with it was the battle system mostly, then the story. i've said this a million times it seems but my biggest issue was that it was straddling the line between action and turn based. it didn't quite scratch the itch of either for me. the story was too meh to carry the combat for me to finish it. lightning

ff13 was my biggest ps3 disappointment. but i won't crucify you for it.

my list would be similar except ff13 & 13-2 would get bumped for "Ni No Kuni" and "The Last of Us" and "Valkyria Chronicles" instead of LBP. i haven't played "Flower" so i'd probably swap that out for Batman:AA or Dragons Dogma. ff13 was my biggest ps3 disappointment.

he probably saw that the direction (or lack there of) in the rehearsal he probably did his best but it looked thrown together last minute. that which was scripted was even worse. seriously who gave the GTAV soundtrack guys microphones?

it seems like everyone wants to shit on joel exclusively when i think that there was severe lack of direction on the whole production. i think joel had the unfortunate position of making jokes while the titanic was going down. while i don't think he made it better i think it was a shit show from the beginning and he

in all honesty i think they both knew it was a shit show from the beginning there was no direction going on. the dev from "no mans sky" looked at the ground for the entire interview. there were missed ques, geoff read joels lines, and what was scripted sounded retarded like the GTAV sound track guys ect. ect.

now there is the "cranky face" meme!

I understood the UK were getting screwed i was just offering a banner of hope that we wouldn't be paying that amount too. Sorry if I was somehow unclear.

Journey, i'm still friends with the lady i finished it with.

Right, that's a conversion from the price in pounds. However, if you look at the retail price of a separate ps4 and vita in the U.S. right now in the us the vita is 199$ and the ps4 is 399$. Even if you add 5% sales tax it doesn't equal 800$. My point was that if/when we get the bundle in America, the price will

actually, i haven't bought anything. instead i'm catching up on my backlog. i finished "The Last of Us" a week or two ago. i'm working my way through the mass effect trilogy on ps3 right now.

i'm actually quite excited about this bundle if it makes it to the us...if i could get it for 550$ i'd feel comfortable 600$ if i get a decent size memory card with it.

i did that conversion too but it that can't be US price 400$ plus 200$ for a vita doesn't equal 800.

same, i just started playing the mass effect trilogy for the first time on ps3 two days ago. i put so many hours into demons souls and dark souls and i'll probably go back to demons souls to platinum it.

it's in my back log right now i'm playing mass effect. i'm gonna try to blaze through the trilogy and then i'm thinking remember me is close after that if dark souls two doesn't steal me away from it. i hope it's as good it looked.