Brian Emophiliac

i hate first person perspective. mostly cause i find the lack off peripheral vision jarring. i'm curious what you don't like about open world games?

i'd pay up 600 if they got a 32 gb memory stick in the vita. 550 without.

seriously that game could sell me on wii u much like xenoblade sold me a wii.

i really hope the vita tv comes out in the west asap. if i can hook my psp to it to play the umd's i have on a big screen while using my DS3 i'll do a little dance of glee. i'll probably get a ps4 in 6 month to a year so the bugs will be smoothed out and i'll have a decent catalog to choose from by then.

while i love turn based, 13 was terrible for me cause it straddled the line between action and turn based but didn't scratch the itch of either. i actually hope that 15 is a straight up action rpg. like "the last story" only with more polish. i'm afraid it'll be more more of that 13 style battle system that i didn't

wouldn't proper grammar be "in an attempt"?

while i love turn based i felt the problem with 13 was that it tried to straddle the line between action and turn based but but in my opinion didn't scratch the itch of either. i'm hoping 15 is a straight up action rpg cause i hated the middle road. i'm thinking the last story style combat but better polished. we'll

you sound like people who bitched about emo music "it doesn't make sense all music has emotion..." i think you miss the point unless you're cued into the subculture that is jrpgs. jrpgs have a traditional style just as western rpgs have their traditions and in my opinion it makes sense to classify them that way.

thanks for the info, i appreciate it.

so the audio out works with iphone headphones, do you know if the iphone headphones microphone works as audio in? if that's the case i'm stoked.

haha i was hoping for a big red button too.

i so can't wait for this to be released in the west i got a stack of psp games i'd love to play on a big screen without the cable. makes me wonder since they are umd can i plug my psp into vita tv? to stream onto big screen or is it only digital copies? either way i'm getting one eventually.

the original director/creator is working on something new while dark souls 2 is being developed. if a actual ps4 demon souls 2 exclusive to sony came out it'd be a system seller for me. that said, i think it's probably something else but one can hope.

i almost hope xbone has a wobbling problem just for the sake of ridiculousness and internet hilarity.


while i like what watch dogs seems to be doing i think it would be rad if there was crossover. while i love the past elements i also want a fresh new desmond like character for the series.

i sorta feel like watch dogs was going to be a part of the assassins creed games but they realized they had something bigger and ramped it up into it's own thing.

i should finish nier. if this is as charming as that game i'm going to buy it. i'm not a huge rpg music nerd but, the music in nier was so good.

i'm guessing you're being sarcastic, but here goes if you're not. "we" is being used figuratively and perhaps you haven't noticed english is his second language. also if he said I over and over I would geuss most people would feel more unease.

yeah i think crafting could've been good but it just was unintuitive. hands down the worst part of three...that and the ending.