this is why i asked about controls i want to know how they feel in comparison to the new tomb raider cause i liked that. the first uncharted however, i didn't like so the controls are key. i'm guessing better.
this is why i asked about controls i want to know how they feel in comparison to the new tomb raider cause i liked that. the first uncharted however, i didn't like so the controls are key. i'm guessing better.
i'm tempted to preorder, but controls in game like this are key so my question is how are the controls so far? i didn't like the first uncharted controls but i liked the new tomb raider and folks likened that to arkham asylum/uncharted.
you're right, they don't talk about it in avengers but nick fury is a manipulative jerk...that seems better story wise anyway.
i would assume since they said there is no team that this is prequel territory.
someone quick post that "luke skywalker epic nooooo!" gif
oh really? if that' is the case it really says to me that some doesn't want to look in the mirror.
censorship period is ridiculous. this article almost comes off as hypocritical after the dragons crown discussion, who decides when and where to get puritanical? as an adult i should be able to view mature themes in video games. that's why i gravitated to the SMT games in the first place, and why i appreciate atlus…
true but there is a rating system and a thing called common sense that should overrule most of the dickbags. the crystal cavern is one place messages feels pretty essential.
you'll be taking away people invading your world when alive but you'll also lose people helping you with bosses/ clue messages.
that explains why they have been blowing their load in the nintendo directs.
i think lordgenki nailed it, this pretty much what i was getting at. i'm not anti ad i recognize the that ads bring in revenue and it's smart to capitalize on that. what i detest is ads that have no bearing to me or the market place in which they exist.
the reason i don't watch much television by way of cable box is much the same. ads are annoying especially for things i have no interest in. whether it's youtube which you can skip most ads or say hulu where you can tailor the ads to your taste there are better ways of going about things. while i don't own a 360, at…
oh okay, thanks for the clarification. i kinda think an eve online/ dust515 but with 40k assets would be rad
that's reason enough for me to not get a 360.
does this mean gear box has rights to space hulk/40k? i'm totally ignorant to the homeworld franchise but i'd be interested in a gearbox 40k game for sure.
while i agree that television by way of cable is all but dead. the big screen isn't going anywhere both literally and figuratively. in fact i think eventually they will be integrated into paint for your walls. it'll be a little different but we will have the fahrenheit 451 walls in our lifetime. i don't want to game…
yeah i wouldn't be too happy about it either, i saw a comment on a video last night that made me think we're just worrying for nothing. basically it said in demon souls they showed ostrava, in dark souls they showed oscar of astora, so this is probably just the face of the game likely a pc in npc armor. i think that…
what i'd like to remind people is that the people are in a state of shock you do some crazy shit sometimes because of it.
so quelag was nightmarish for you?
i made a blue character by turning the random bar up high and then redoing the face from there and my character actually looked better undead. but yeah the green lipstick look was shitty, that's why i was wearing the thieves mask the whole time my first play through.