Brian Emophiliac

what do you mean? there is no wrong choice aside from maybe the resistance stat.

theonly thing is that at some bonfires if your in human form the bonfire will kick you out and you can still be invaded. but at least you respawn right next to your souls if you were at the bonfire.

yeah the fact they only showed the dude from the trailer didn't assuage fear of that but even if you start out one way like dark souls in the endgame it likely won't matter.

is that something to do with the time element they mentioned previously where is humanity or is that a world tendency meter?

i'm so fucking excited. the souls games are my favorite thing in gaming. i just wish atlus got more credit. i can't wait to hear EPIC NAME BRO"S run down and thought on this video.

did you notice the cruise ship at the end?

i would love if that happened but really the fact he has his own company makes it unlikely. without him it isn't final fantasy plain and simple.

it's looking pretty cool. i need to build a gaming computer not that this title is going to break the bank but if i start buying steam games i want all the good ones too.

yeah i sorta felt the same way with y the last man but at the same time how would you tie up the end of something like that? i'm only on the third trade of ex machina but thankfully my roommate is buying them cause i'm not really sold on it. that said, so far saga is amazing if for no other reason than fiona staples

as a random guy who's opinion matters just as much as anyone else i think seoul sister is right. whether people believe in their heart of hearts that something she (anita) says is wrong or whether they're joking/trolling it seems whenever the dominant culture is criticized those in the dominant position will try their

well that's one more reason to like it cause i enjoyed the batman games.

that movie was pretty sweet so maybe i should give this game a shot. i just wonder how it controls cause that's the only thing that could really ruin it for me.

while i think it was rude and tactless, there was a sliver of truth to what he said. while i love japanese games there was a downturn. if fish got up and said japan needs to rely less on the same old tropes, work on tighter story lines, turn based is fine but battles need to be tactical and not one dimensional, and


actually it was grand theft auto not mgs

looks good so far.

"they don't lust after women" uh, what!?

i have the urge to write some trollbait cause i just got done hanging out with a friend who just got divorced she said to me, "i learned some things #1 never get married" and i have to say i agreed. but that aside i'm glad your happy now

thankfully that wasn't a huge part of it cause that tower defense part sucked. the rest was okay though. ac3 was okay aside from the end. the homesteading was a good idea just didn't resonate with me that much i wish the native american side of the family would've got more depth. the trading was part wasn't very

i thought the ending in ac3 was confusing and i don't think i'd have made the decision desmond makes. i liked the naval battles i thought the frontier building was sorta meh and the trading thing wasn't really intuitive or fun. i actually prefer rebuilding historic monuments of previous titles. i hope a miles heir is