as an american i'd love to see a communist revolution one too. i like the pirate theme and the comment drunken messiah says about london and paris sounds good too.
as an american i'd love to see a communist revolution one too. i like the pirate theme and the comment drunken messiah says about london and paris sounds good too.
i like the london aspect, i'm not so sure about playing jack the ripper but just having that history in there somewhere would be rad.
if not i'm right there with you.
i really hope souls-likes becomes a gaming category...
i think it depends on how it's facilitated. i'm primarily a single player kinda guy, however the souls games and journey mend the two perfectly for me. i don't wanna hear some racist, sexist, homophobic, dipshits ruin the immersion with live chat. however, i'm cool if they help me take down some brutal boss or figure…
my favorite is the Elizabeth with the book, that dress is stunning.
i'm right there with you. i mean, i read the article but i sill don't understand why it'd be released like it is. it's like it went out with no QA whatsoever. i sorta feel like the advent of the patch has made devs lazy.
i want this. i want it now.
i was sorta thinking this was going to be meh, but after reading this i wanna at least try a demo. big ups to chris person for the crotch shots and evan for making me actually want to try it.
why shit on someones good fortune?
"What would a JRPG without the anime influence even be like" my guess, dragons dogma or demons souls. imagine those turn based.
i think it's cause we don't get many of the dating sims over here in NA. or any of the other crazy things japan puts out for that matter. if i spoke/read japanese i'd import, but since i can't i snatch up the good localized stuff when i can.
i sorta agree persona is as close to mature themes as most traditional jrpg's go. too bad david cage doesn't make jrpgs eh?
my only complaint with the wii u game pad is the position of the bumper/trigger it's to high even in the first few minutes of playing i was annoyed.
while i'm personally ambivalent about the stick placement i hope for your sake you can get a nice after market controller with the analog where you prefer.
i steal from my friends and they are free to steal back. just saying.
agreed! the biggest issues for me seem to be solved. namely the indent from the shoulder to the triggers is rounded instead of indented and boxy. the ridges on the analogs will be so nice when my fingers get sweaty. i'm a huge fan of the wii pro controller and i feel like they were listening to me. i'm pretty…
i kinda wonder the same thing. part of me thinks it'd be comfortable, unless you have short thumbs. when it comes to controllers you can't please everyone.