
Please don’t use African subjugation as a defense in this. Many countries in Africa are still under colonial law and crippling debt after their independence as a way for Europeans to maintain control. Also, those who stand up against their corrupt leaders are murdered as an example.  

Sorry, but your “Sneakier Method” undercuts your entire article. There’s a reason why Hunter specifically didn’t give you that option as a suggestion.

Think on the bright side at least some of the hot takes (including mine after 9:30 pm) about this movie will now be informed by having actually SEEN the movie.  

so did you actually watch the movie? i can’t tell.

This is going to take so long to release as a full collection i’d rather wait for the remakes eventual release on the PS5. 

You are not the only one. All of these click bait articles like the one Kotaku wrote above are just such edgy hot takes and I roll my eyes when they talk about the humor and how we’ve all matured beyond it. I still think bonerfarts is funny. But yes it’s borderlands and it’s a different place with different characters

Am I the only person who find the complaint about a lack of innovation to be completely irrelevant? I mean, how many people who are planning to buy Borderlands 3 want it to be anything other than more Borderlands? I know some people are saying “I was burnt out of Borderlands after the first one, part 2 didn’t tickle

Maybe some people have missed the point of characters like Frank Underwood and Walter White, but the entire point of those characters is that while interesting, they have always been bad guys. Take the last real conversation that Walter had with Skyler. He outright admitted that he did all the crap he did for selfish

...does it look like a dull screwball comedy?

But he’s COMPLEX, man! He’s had STRUGGLES! What he thinks he is doing is RIGHT, even though the hero thinks its WRONG! That’s super interesting!

This looks AMAZING!!!!!!

As people pointed out, Nintendo doesn’t want people listening to their music for free on youtube, but then don’t release their tracks outside of Japan. Anyone outside of Japan has to hope Nintendo releases one of those mini soundtracks that usually come bundled with games.

There’s kind of an off tone here. The premise seems to be that maybe people only liked Borderlands because they were immature and young and now they are old and seasoned and won’t? I guess that works if you assume that the player was X age (maybe your age?) when they first started playing but now they have “been to a

Another day, another story about a female ‘streamer trying to make a buck out of horny idiots with any means necessary.

Faith in humanity? It sounds like she lied to get money. 

Oh, a “renaissance.” 

What is a “Disney Renessance?” 

I read through the entire thread below and it blows my mind how regardless of what political party you are a part of you would still argue over the fact that fucking kids are in cages and dying. It doesn’t matter if it was G.W.B or Obama or Trump, putting children, adults, people in fucking general in cages is wrong.

I can’t fault their social media guy for this. His instructions were to go out and find a few telegenic Trump supporters for videos, and he said “Fuck this, I’m using stock shots and spending the rest of the day on LinkedIn.”

I don’t know why, and I’ve never felt this about any other cosplay, but this feels deeply...I don’t know...weird/creepy/lame? And I can’t quite explain to myself as to why.