Hmm wonder if she’ll use the affluenza defense.
Hmm wonder if she’ll use the affluenza defense.
Is it possible this girl called him a fucking idiot for referring to her as a “young man” and not anything to do with it being infowars?
No Question. Nicely done.
We don’t ignore Nazis. We hit them with bright sunshine, shut down their websites, get them fired, ostracize them and occasionally punch them in the fucking dick.
I hope we all see the irony in someone winning a “For Honor” competition in a strikingly dishonorable fashion. Not just the exploit but that after winning he shot off a “wow this was so easy, I didn’t even practice,” line. Honestly I’m half inclined to think it was intentional.
He didn’t say no when she asked for a raise. He fired her. That’s not normal.
The headline says the mean spirited satire doesn’t hold up but the article is about how the gameplay and level design don’t hold up.
Whatever Earthworm Jim does right or wrong, it’s still one of the most memorable games from the Genesis era. I was never able to beat it, but that didn’t stop me from trying! I did however manage to beat Toejam & Earl 2, another unconventional platformer from that era.
not on what looks like preteen girls
This guy looks exactly like what you would expect a derp-a-derp ICE agent to look like.
“Ohio is an open-carry state that allows residents to openly possess firearms with or without a license.”
Odd religious references aside, I’m with the neighbors. I don’t want an amateur auto repair shop next to my home and if you’re honest, you probably don’t either.
Who the fuck is making you watch their movies? If you don’t like them, don’t support their movies with your dollars...otherwise just keep pumping them out.
Monthly active users isn’t really a useful metric, especially when you’re trying to compare it to download numbers. Daily active users is more useful and that fell from around 30m at peak to 5m in the US by April this year. And yes it was definitely a bubble that was going to burst, but so what? Even though they might…
Only well after the majority of its playerbase lost interest. They really dropped the ball in keeping the games momentum going.
Yet detectives state that they have “not gotten any indication that this was motivated by hate or bias.”
Does this mean we finally get some more gun control, now? Boy, I hope so.
Oh, guess I misunderstood? I thought you were saying the FFVIII -> FFIX guides mirror FFVIII -> FFIX in quality.
You’re nuts. FFIX is incredible.