
A major factor to me is how the company treats its pilots. Jet Blue (being on the cheaper side) and Air Canada (being on the more expensive side) don’t overwork their pilots, and therefor have safer conditions for their employees and travelers. I will be cheap if it only means suffering less convenience, but I would

You forgot “Or don’t buy it”. Don’t waste money on plastic that will eventually end up in a landfill.
“I’ve already thrown away two Yoshi’s and a Mario this week.” With waste so fucking bad on this planet, why not try to resist consumer impulses? Or at least go to support some local artist and get something unique,

Yeah, I generally love a good social warrior battle, but this seems very minor to me. It’s not really white washing, its 1 white woman added to a commercial with many different people. Making a huge mountain out of a mole hill is why people try to use the term “social justice warrior” in a negative way. Deep breath

I will never understand why Americans care so much about every detail of their president. Something about the presidential system turns elections into popularity contests and people get fanatic about it. You know all about their marriage, kids, dogs, etc.. Who gives a shit? If Americans placed a larger emphasis on

Information is not shamming. It’s the job of the press to give information, backed by evidence, to inform the people. Now that I know Palmer Luckey supports Trump, I can avoid supporting him. I do the same thing with companies who are homophobic, sexist, and racist. I get information, and I use my spending power as a

Information is not shamming. It’s the job of the press to give information, backed by evidence, to inform the people. Now that I know Palmer Luckey supports Trump, I can avoid supporting him. I do the same thing with companies who are homophobic, sexist, and racist. I get information, and I use my spending power as a

Where are we in history that articles like this are popping up everywhere? WTF America?! De-escalate!

Ya, but its still good advice. Presumably, the kid that gave the gun to him either bought it on the black market, or way more likely, found the gun laying around his house. 

Wow.. Somehow gets Anthony Hopkins in this (I can only assume he has some dirt on him), and suddenly Michael Bay thinks he’s an artist. The tone, the music, and the title screen (A Michael Bay Film) all reeks of pretentiousness. Which is surprising from a director AND series that has produced nothing but lazily

Honestly I struggle to appreciate any work that may have gone in to this because it looks Photoshoped to hell.

I guess if it brings him joy. I would have lost my mind around hour 3.

Fuck united, and fuck those knuckle draggers. In a world filled with violence you’d think something like this could be solved with talking. People need to try reason for longer than 5 minutes before turning to force. I have never flown United because of their bad practices and overworked pilots, but this cements it, I

Disincentive should not be war. The States are not global police. Its complex issue, no question, but if history has taught us anything, it’s that starting a war to end violence is a cycle of death and revenge that never ends.

Oh good. The States has never had issues removing crazy power mad leaders in the middle east through force before. This will be fun to learn this lesson for the first time.

I have not seen this movie... but i’m super cautious. Every time someone tells me an anime is good, I hate it. I like most Miyazaki movies, but I find the general anime fare to be acted terribly, written terribly, and every joke feels like it was written for a completely different sensibility than mine. And yet, I

Yeah, maybe since we are facing big issues, we should stopping creating laws that protect against online bullying as well.

Government is big. We have the man power to bust assholes on large and small issues. We don’t need to divert manpower from climate change to drag a republican through an ethics hearing.

They are basically making real how I remember the graphics looking. I have no memory of pixilation. Every line was crisp.

My very favorite part of any multiplayer experience, is when nobody talks.

When you listen to Dawkins speak to someone who shares a different opinion you can tell he is so alienating that all he achieves is putting them on the defensive and cementing their position. Compared to Neil Degrasse Tyson who use such amazing reason and calmness that he often manages to sway people to science and

I agree. I think reporters and journalists report on every little detail because it’s their job to read and look at everything. But for the readers, its just a giant over reported cluster fuck of big and small things. And the small things just distract from news that matters. If I only have 30 minutes a day to read