
I’m glad people are getting so much enjoyment out of overwatch, but my experience with it was terrible. Repetitive, bland and no story to speak of (unless you count outside the game. I dont). I can’t help but feel like there is a bit of overhype (no pun intended).

I disagree. Many careers benefit from passionately pouring yourself into it, but not all require it. If you are working at a company, chances are if you work reasonably hard, occasionally put in overtime, you’ll move up the ladder eventually. But for streamers, if you don’t constantly work overtime, sacrifice family

“I am in no way supporting any kind of hateful attitudes.” “I make videos for my audience.”

He pull in the KKK subs lately? Not only is it just not funny, its dangerous to start giving people (especially the young base he has) the impression that anti-semitic jokes are okay. I guess we can expect anti-muslim signs

1 week in LA. wow... Honestly, if I never read Kotaku, I would have never seen anything about this movie. I’d love to see it, but if there is no effort to sell it to American audiences, not sure what I can do.

I used to let the Republican’s rant, but NO MORE! You claim others need to use their mind while you shout ignorance?! Why don’t you attempt to use some critical thought and think things through? What did Trump do? He is part of the elite 1% that hordes all the profit for themselves and promises that through trickle

This is a really funny and interesting view into different mind sets. Canadians made this video seemingly sincerely with no sub-text to speak of, but the commenters here seem to be processing it through a negative/insecure filter and taking it as an attack.

While the YouTube comments are exactly the opposite.