How did that dildo make it from the field to the deadspin comments section to post that response?
How did that dildo make it from the field to the deadspin comments section to post that response?
I’m surprised Graham didn’t text him that he was chickenshit.
Oklahoma was literally founded on the idea that you should be able to just take things away from Native Americans if you want it bad enough so I am not surprised.
Sure, but that’s not the translation of hella. “Hella” is “a hell of a lot of”. It is not “hell of” and in that sense it’s fairly unique.
“Oh, shit! There’s an Idiot on the Field...Wait, is that his cell phone number? Let’s call it!
I like when someone runs on the field. I know we’re supposed to act disgusted and say, “well, I hope it was worth it” in a disapproving manner, but I always think it’s hilarious. I know they can’t show the runners on TV or it would happen 15 times a game.
What bizzarro version of Seattle is Andy living in where people actually talk to each other on the buses? That is not a thing here.
85% of Seattle is recent midwestern transplants so these diatribes about “I moved to Seattle and none of my coworkers can remember old player names” is because you have 1 year old transplants evaluating Seattle fandom from other 2 year old transplants who just changed allegiances. Deadspin has been recycling the same…
Portland would be too hipster and contrarian to care about it. BRO THE TIMBERS ARE A REAL SPORT BRO
The QBs sucked but the team was always around 7-9. I also find it hard to believe that their wasn’t a single “fuck Ken Behring” in there.
If there’s one thing worse than 12's, it’s the transplants who move here and can’t believe people root for a football team.
Today I learned people who just moved to Seattle really dislike people who just moved to Seattle.
I’m a Seahawks fan and the only thing I really disagree with is that Portland is a better town. Portland is basically Tacoma and they can fuck off.
Oh yay. A bunch of transplants complaining about bandwagon fans. Go screw yourselves.
We’re used to it. We take it as a given. When else would football start?
Someone send Ra’s Al Ghul to Happy Valley.
FC Wichita’s supporter section is adorable.
I’ve never understood why fans (soccer and hockey fans are most guilty) are so hostile towards casual fans. If someone’s an asshole, they’re an asshole. But gaining new fans, even if they’re a “bro” and aren’t as dedicated, is never a bad thing in my opinion.
I get all the MLS bashing to an extent but I think a lot of people don’t realize that by the time a player gets to the MLS it’s already too late. Pro athletes are pro caliber BEFORE they enter the pro league. Sure, they continue to develop, but that is mostly experience based. the tools they have upon entering is what…