Do you take pleasure in purposefully skewing facts to fit your narrative?
Do you take pleasure in purposefully skewing facts to fit your narrative?
OMG dude. Seriously, as someone who has some experience in Title IX issues, this is fundamentally false. OCR has schools so freaking panicked over Title IX compliance all the time, that every institution that receives federal dollars, and I mean every single one, is desperately scrambling to comply with all the obtuse…
Hold on a second. At no point in the history of Title IX has anyone interpreted it to mean “Yes, victims must report sexual assault to schools, they may only use the school’s disciplinary process, and no, they may not go to the police.” That is not a thing that anyone thinks. Title IX is seriously flawed, but it is…
The deceit in this “piece” is only eclipsed by the self-loathing and shame it tries so desperately to ignore. Sure: one reason we are “still here” is because many police are trigger-happy racist bullies with a giant God complex and ridiculously out of date training. But damn it if another reason we are here isn’t…
Ugh, “Protestors.” How is that every objective news source is reporting that peaceful protests turned to rioting, looting and violence but Jezebel didn’t seem to get that memo? The blatant disregard for the truth in the name of the “agenda” here is sickening. Guess that’s what you expect from a rag that fires writers…
She’s just doing consciously what white people have been doing mostly unconsciously for centuries in this country: leveraging race as a career advantage - just in the opposite direction you would expect.
Whether this vet was a candidate or not, the fact remains, there are literally hundreds of more deserving athletes who were passed over in favor of Jenner. Athletes who have done actual courageous things - not just get a bunch of plastic surgery, tuck their penis between their legs and pose for a heavily-photoshopped…
Was the name of the arcade “Tilt” by any chance? That was the name of our local arcade at the mall; thinking back on it brings back incredibly strong memories.
I didn't see the situation that way:
Stick to what you're good at, Joe. This ain't it.
At first I thought Jesus wrote this one because you used the word "breathtaking." Sweet pics though.
Sweet! Next can you verify the spelling of "absence"?
Look, I wish that Apple's Maps App was a closer to perfect. It's what I've come to expect from them. I can acknowledge that there are serious problems that need to be addressed. But, I'm not surprised that people who have not kept up with MapsGate and have not tried to use the 3D overlay are perfectly satisfied. …
I use iGoogle every single day. Once in the morning and once in the evening. It's a great place to collect the day's blogs, articles and news headlines in one place. I'll be sad to see it go.