
This has been great. It proves the use of having more than two parties, since it’s given these dissenting cunts somewhere else to go besides hard left, and it’s been humiliating enough for the Tories that it makes their win in an election at least slightly more doubtful (I’d give it about the same odds as Trump’s next

How any of you people can sleep at night after passing judgment on Jeffrey Epstein when few, if any, of you have ever even been inside an underage masseuse is  beyond me.

A thousand producers and record company execs trying to make this Ent listenable for ten years = Subway spending millions of dollars trying to make a guacamole that travels well. 

Stop it. This is the stupidest thing on this site, and it never ends. 

We have no picks left, and I don't think Tunsil will be a great replacement for Clowney. BUT, am I just drinking the koolaid in thinking that Watson throwing to Hopkins and Stills could be as nuts as KC was last year? Yes. I am.

This is so good it overcomes the super cringey shots of Taylor Swift and a bunch of what I assume are models dancing.

Makes sense: water > piss.

Ive always just cracked the thing into the palm of my hand and let the white slip between my fingers. Passing it between the halves isn't as quick, and if I'm cooking or prepping anything, my hands are as clean as the shell. Plus those edges are sharp, and I've never popped the yolk once.

Loving these comments. "I can't remember the last time I used a drive thru" is the New Young Penis's "I don't even own a TV."

Mnivans are great and you sound like a penis.

Maybe start things off with your opinion of the artist next time, so people will know to stop reading.

The fucking no headphones in public thing. Every counting time I bitch about it, some asshole reminds me that dickheads were walking around with boomboxes in the eighties. WELL THE PRICKS WEREN’T DOING THAT SHIT ON A COCKSUCKING AIRPLANE.

Bernie's answer--I believe to the NAACP--regarding reparations was pretty on point to me. If a lump sum was paid out, those on the right would absolutely wash their hands of blacks in the US and claim racism is solved and why don't we move on. The worst among them claim that already, sure, but that bullshit would

That Debra messing line is just... damn. Good for you, man. 

everyone except Warren and Bernie. Kamala Harris is a fucking cop.

There’s another, almost completely positive, AVC review of the show that came out today from a writer who understands satire and seems to've loved it. 

Hey Ninette, you dodged that point real good

DID you watch it? I feel like you just drank a glass of milk instead, bitched to yourself about how milky it tasted and how you were waiting for a less milky taste to surprise you, then crapped out this dry turd.

Eat shit.

The play button was over her face and I thought this album cover was a picture of a fluffy white dog’s asshole.