
Plenty. Humour as a defense mechanism isn’t new.

You said “it’s not quite victim blaming.” That implies Pelosi is the victim, and he’s not quite blaming her. If your implication was that she isn’t quite a victim and he is blaming her, or that she’s not quite a victim AND he’s not quite blaming her, then you haven’t quite made quite a fucking point quite at all. But

Fuck centrists.

How smooth your brain must be, to think there can only be one bad guy at a time because one of them is worse than another.

I'm sorry you were abused. That's horrifying. But this is three replies of you comparing apples and oranges. Pelosi is enabling an abuser.

No, they aren’t. So stop willfully misinterpreting it that way and you’re all set.

No one said she was at fault. Do you think her obstructing the progressive wing of the "progressive" party is a good thing? Do you think it's a coincidence that trump defended her against Omar and AOC on twitter, when he fucking hates her otherwise? This particular narrative obviously began with Pelosi fighting

Nobody said Trump isn’t to blame. He obviously meant this particular narrative in a log list of garbage from trump began stirring when he saw an ally in Pelosi. He said as much by defending her against Omar et al.

it's nothing like victim blaming, because Pelosi is the perpetrator, not the victim.

Fighting to impeach trump is important because if we don’t, what the fuck can you get impeached for? Not doing it now is essentially taking it off the table, and Pelosi fighting against it time and again shows that she’s part of the problem: another party-first/message-and-purpose-second goblin, and the definition of

This whole ten or fifteen years thing feels stupid to me, because it’s like, ok cool, cause he’s been raping kids for thirty. 

Plenty of people with foot fetishes lead healthy, active lives, so what's the point of you drawing attention to your bootlicking like this?

I live in Dusseldorf and see giant cans of Faxe over here. It is... not good. Just a touch formaldehyde, for flavour.”

Only 20% of Sanders' voters cared that he had a primary stolen from him by an unelectable candidate and a party whose talking points he was dictating for the next two elections? Seems low.

You’re saying the professionals did their job by quoting a lot of bad things they said about Trump and literally nothing good about Clinton. You agreeing that she was a shitty candidate?

Yep, and Stacey Abrams too. 


She’s all about putting people in jail. 

No starts for this? Really? I mean, you don’t deserve them, but generally people try to highlight comments this stupid here.

Hahaha holy shit, this deserves a star. Thank you.