Brian "Arkle" Webber

"but I'm at least trying to be respectful."

'Someone who against personal choice if it conflicts with her world view,
refuses to respond to criticism and seeks redefine objection to her
world view as bullying and hate speech, sounds pretty authoritarian to

"Anita, who if you look at her objectively is something of an authoritarian."

"but she has been a womens rights activist…"

"I'd rather hear the opinion of someone like Christina Hoff Sommers."

I guess that depends on who you';re asking. I suppose if one were to write an article critical of TERFs (who are horrible people BTW), that could technically count as "feminist criticism." ;)

Six Wakes by Mur Lafferty. It's like that movie Passengers only with about 100% less white male entitlement and no Chris Pratt acting like a creep. :)

What is it about us white people that makes us want to be oppressed so bad? I love the word "fauxpression" you use in the article, but it's that fauxpression that has me so worried for the next 2-8 years. I mean, we've seen the kind of nunfuckery my people get into when they spend so much time and effort

There was no content worth addressing. Your post was basically word salad that suggested to me you didn't actually watch the movie you were mocking. That or you were viewing them through such a skewed lens that your interpretation is about as reliable as those Right Wingers who think Terry Gilliam's Brazil is a

That was the most rambly, incoherent, whiny man baby piece of faux-intellectual writing I have seen in a good long time. FTR, just trying to ape the mannerism of an academic paper in your BS does not make it any less BS, especially when it end it on a misspelled insult. Or is SWJ how you so-called Smart Men say it

We engage with people who disagree with us all the time. Milo isn't *just" someone who disagrees with us. He is a liar, and a harrasser, and a bigot. He does not deserve to have his backwards ass, trash views validated. Are you really that fucking stupid that you can't tell the difference between "I disagree and

That you compare getting on stage with an asshole to having an honest debate speaks ill of your schooling and your parentage.

"you claimed someone was full of shit, they called you out, backed up
their claims with sources, and you ran away with your tail between your

"okay, i read all the other comments and see that you lost while debating a completely moot point on another comment,"

Okay. Amused it is then. I mean, there are so many examples of men being whiny and entitled (the very thing they accuse feminists of, when all they are actually doing is engaging in mere analysis) I could never pick just one. Hell, just look at any unmoderated website's comment sections under any article about the

Right, because anti-feminists NEVER make demands on content creators. *cough*

"'Fuck it, why even bother' is the last gasp of someone who knows he is losing an argument."

Hey look, some dipshit using the phrase White Knight unironically. There's something I don't hear every day.

"(At least in the US, where it's no longer needed; Saudi Arabia, India, etc are a different story.)"

I can think of one (the Italian film Irreversible), but that the fact that it's the ONLY one I can think of really only underlines your point.