Brian "Arkle" Webber

Not actually what was said at all, but I'm not shocked. You GG types often exaggerate your opponents statements in order to look rational by comparison. You people hope that if you can push the Overton Window far enough to the Right that mainstream America will see you as the sensible middle.

"You know who else is a piece of shit? Ken Ham. That didn't stop Bill Nye
from debating him because Bill Nye thought it was a good opportunity to
defend his position."

And with that statement you proved that you know nothing about Milo apart from his "support" of too many gamers (that will go away the minute he feels he can't gain anything from them anymore). If you did, you'd know exactly where I was coming from. This is a guy who tweets on Suicide Prevention Day that he wants to

Milo is a piece of shit, full stop. Agreeing to a debate with him gives him undeserved legitimacy.

Not just not worth debating, it wouldn't have been a debate. Milo is not an honest or honorable man, it would've been a trap. If the head of ISIL offers $10,000 to charity if I just walk into an ISIL camp unarmed, I'd say 'No" to that. Reason trumps honor.

"Are you familiar with the concept of an absolute statement? That's what
you made, and it only requires one counterexample to disprove an
absolute statement."

Milo is a piece of shit. If Anita HAD been dumb enough to take that guy up o his offer for a "debate" (read: an ambush) I'd have lost all respect for her.

"I didn't say that there are thousands of trans characters."

"Please show me where I said that there are thousands of "
"trans actors."

"I never said there were thousands,"

"After about a dozen posts it seems like you have no intention of supporting your original claim."

Wasn't that "journalist" also arrested for terrorism, or was it some other Breitbart fucknugget?

"That wasn't my best counterargument. It was a snarky retort."

"There are thousands of black actors/characters in Hollywood and plenty of trans characters as well."

"It's not even about race…" you say about an article that mentions Whiteness in the headline.

Oh no, you found a handful of exceptions! That totally rpoves me wrong. And since there are people who have won the lottery, that means no one ever loses the lottery, and planes crashes happen all the time, and…

No, I'm talking about Hollywood.

Here's the thing; you're full of it. She didn't just do it for herself, and the threat was against the whole school. if she HAD gone, and the attack HAD happened, you and all the other haters would be railing against her for putting the student's lives in danger. In fact, I bet that would happen anyway if she'd gone

Not trying to paint you as racist. Comparing you to a group that happened to be racist sure, but I can't say I'm surprised yopu can't tell the difference. You're dumb enough not to see why the status quo with regards to the racist make-up of Hollywood isn't a good thing.