Brian Reichart

And even if they did that it doesn’t matter in the court of law.

I just came across this in my reearch on this case. But I agree completely. The prosecutors should have obtained the defense’s counterpoints and evidence to work with the victim. Theydo afterall represent the victim in court.

A true feminist puts women above anything, anyone and everything.

The position of a true feminist would be to let her off the contract because of these allegations.

A rape allegation might as well be considered a a proven fact. This is something much too serious for people to lie about. Less than 0.01% of the claimed rapes are false.

Being MRA doesn’t require you to be a man. Yes rape does belong because it makes the workplace extremely dangerous.

Spoken like a true worthless MRA.

So serial rapists should have rights now? You are one sick fuck.

so says the user that calls others “libtards”

Exactly. I follow the BLM movement closely and I was outraged at the recent police shooting that occurred in South Carolina that got zero coverage anywhere. An innocent black man got killed by two white cops. Hopefully Demetrius Bryant will sue and this will get more coverage. I have not heard of BLM movement recently

Don’t bother. This is a racist ignorant troll.

Yeah I have seen that trend happening as well. Demetrius Bryant was murdered by two cops in South Carolina and there was ZERO coverage of this. It is sad. This is the reason I am a better of the New Black Panther Party, I like what BlackLivesMatter does but they need to be more aggressive cause they will fade away.

Indeed, it is a shame to see her go. She really has insightful opinions on things that you wouldn’t even think about. It is amazing for her to see the continued racism but refering to people as “hard workers” when it only done was a racist dog whistle. MSNBC is ridiculous, there is no good programs left now. I liked

He’s a racist troll. Completely worthless.

Oh boy the the racist white fuck is at it again.

I am pretty sure he would bribe them into letting him get access to her.

Considering he is able to keep her in the contract then she would have to record under his label. So there would have to be some time some communication between them so he would use that to strike.

She claimed she was raped until he paid her off to say otherwise.

When it comes to cases of rape I find that stupid. I know it is the law but it is still stupid. We also have multiple people accusing him of rape like Lady Gaga.

Why would they offer bail? Investigations into rape are stupid they should just lock him up and be done with it.