Brian Reichart

Why are you such a rapist apologist?

Considering other artists have accused him of raping them like Lady Gaga he is much worse.

Why? Forget court just throw him into the electric chair, IMO.

What is worst is that he just might be a serial rapist.

i believe he is a serial rapist and he should stfu. he has been accused of raping other women like Lady Gaga as well.

olololollolololololooolloolol stfu.

The judge is an idiot, she should have ruled in favor of Kesha this time.

All of which reminds me, why isn’t Dr. Luke in jail where he belongs?

How was the UVA story even a lie? As I recall it was the Rolling Stone editors that bungled the organization of everything in the article.

That chart is inaccurate, the latest research showed them being at 0.01% That also includes unfounded rape reports so it is more likely 0.001%

I consider him to be a serial rapist. If you consider that then you would see the logic in my assumptions.

I think he is a serial rapist that might just attack her over and over.

Oh shut the fuck up you imbecile. The court fucked up badly.

Any red neck hill billies with guns. That would be insane.

Add white people and alcohol and you got trouble.

Indeed it is. Unfortunately you do not have the police when you need them, apparently young drunk white males can’t be of any danger according to the police.