Brian De Leon

That's what I've always wondered about Bose. Are they better, and even if they are could your average person tell the difference between considerably less expensive speakers.

I'm all for respecting an animals life enough to use every last bit we can when we kill them.

If Microsoft does this and Sony does not, Microsoft is doomed. No question I'd buy a PS4 if Microsoft used that type of technology and Sony did not (Anything anti-used games).

I meant to comment on this one, lol.

Yeah I use that one, but only on my iPad, not really sure why.

I wouldn't safely come to a stop over a misfire, but I wouldn't floor it and do doughnuts either.

I think you make some good points, but I don't think more information is ever a bad thing, a good mechanic with a reputation for being honest can tell the customer something like: Sir or Ma'am I know it says so and so, but that only gives you a vague idea of the actual problem or what it might be, in my experience the

The problem is if the light comes on and you have no idea why it could be for a gas cap and the mechanic can say it's for a misfire, you have no way of really knowing.

Not every vehicle has a way of telling you the code. Also, 1996 or not all they had to do is what Chrysler does which is use the odometer, it's not very complicated to use it to show a numerical code, you don't even have to put in the P if it's too complicated, which it shouldn't be.

Well played Sir.

I'm sure with his show and other stand up gigs he does he probably very easily made another 160K in income.

A simple design tweak to allow you to add or remove sand would work.

You guys must know a lot of tech savvy broke ass people. I know a lot of people that wouldn't want to bother figuring out how to download this and would rather just pony up the five bucks. I'll tell you what, that's five bucks well spent.

The worst part is that it probably failed due to poor design on HP's part. Anyone remember the fiasco with the Nvidia GPU's overheating and causing failures? The kind of Xbox like failures that could be fixed in an oven.

The parents were more excited than she was. I bet she was probably thinking "WTF are my parents on right now, are they just doing this for the camera?".

Yeah pee would be under accidental damage, if you have that sort of coverage, just so long as he maintains he peed on it accidentally rather than intentionally.

Is that supposed to be a lot of dust?

That's the only situation I can imagine where that small an amount of cat hair could potentially damage a computer, and then of course be a good reason to void a warranty. Cat hair gets into the computer, and into the fan causing the fan to stop spinning and overheat the computer until it fails. Obviously some kind of

Spoiler Alert: Natural Flavors is the secret.