
They may be setting up a heal-turn for Dany, where she double-crosses Jon after learning about his claim. She has been moving more and more towards iron fisted authoritative/ends-justify-the-means type behavior, she even said as much to Jon this episode (I forget the exact wording, but something to the effect of 'Its

IIRC that was the reasoning given on the show (I believe the phrasing was something to the effect of "The dragons may be invulnerable but you are not. One stray arrow…").

They kind of address it at the end of the last episode. Danny has to go with the dragons - she can't just send them on missions, so scouting out the fleet would be her just flying aimlessly around the oceans until she happened upon them. And then the chance of something happening to her (stray arrow, etc…) it was

"This time he's the lesser of two evils!"

It seems more like CNN saying "We have your personal information, but are choosing not to share it. However, we are not committing to this arrangement indefinitely, and should further developments warrant disclosing of that information, we may do so at that time."

On its surface, a series finale that consists largely of the two main characters, on the other side of a time jump, simply explaining to each other what happened in the intervening years via monologue seems like it would be a real letdown. It speaks to how well executed this was that it not only wasn't, but that it


Since it seemed like it could have been added in after-the-fact, I'm really hopeful that the use of "Last Resort" as Russ drove off in the season premier was a reference to the Paul Ryan Last Resort meme.

maybe he can 'cancelar' his exit

We are living in a post-satire era

Should have seen this thread coming. After all they are ESP Soundsystem.

If it even comes back up, I think the answer will be the agreement cannot be enforced. Richard apparently had no recourse when Dinesh backed out of his side of the agreement, so why would Richard be obligated to follow through with his. Even it he was an enforceable arrangement, Piperchat defaulted first by locking

The normal pods that they are both in initially will keep you asleep, but can't put you to sleep. So once awake, you're stuck.

I did see it, and it wasn't as bad as I expected based on the reviews. The problem with it, at least from my perspective, was 2 fold: 1) the movie went too far out of its way to justify Pratt's character's decision to wake up Lawrence, so that it felt like you were expected to feel nothing but sympathy for him. It

Don't you hate pants!?!

1. Release popular item in limited quantity.
2. Discontinue popular item.
3. ????
4. Profit.

You're never wrong if anything that contradicts your existing world view is a lie.
The right has been laying the groundwork for decades with the whole 'liberal media' nonsense, but trump's group has weaponized it.

Buy it at The Sharper Image, like a normal person

Also I assume this is their personal internet history - at home, on their own computer, etc… which I don't think would be subject to FOIA anyway.

I want a superhero that fights crime in Groucho glasses