
I believe its called "jury nullification", which basically means "we find the defendant guilty, but not deserving of punishment" and as far as I know, even mentioning that you are aware of it can get you kicked off a jury. CGP Grey has a pretty good video on the subject.

I assume "Maybe science will prove me wrong, but it wont, because I refuse to listen to any information that contradicts my stupid and dangerous existing beliefs." is the full quote. It's also the GOP's new motto.

But on the bright side, we now have a Government agency dedicated to anti-immigrant propaganda. Wait, did I say 'bright side'? I meant WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!?!

He campaigned on his business record, even though he inherited his wealth and has a long history of bankruptcy and failure. He lost the popular vote by the widest margin in history for the electoral vote winner. Every time he speaks without sputtering nonsense or shitting his pants he's hailed 'presidential'.

I believe ethics requirements for most professional certifications apply to the person's conduct beyond when they are acting in a professional capacity. A Professional Engineer could have their license taken away for DUI, for example. I don't know how often this happens in practice, however, so that's not to say

This is why I think they should have Rosie play trump instead. Much as I'm enjoying Baldwin's portrayal, having Rosie as trump would be even more personal, and would still have the element of surprise.

Apparently he introduced them when they played a show at the Black Cat here in DC several years ago (while he was press secretary). Had tickets to that show too, but skipped it because of a stupid friends stupid birthday party.

"[Spicers] not “going to sit around and engage with people who have no desire to actually get something right.""

The petitions themselves are ultimately meaningless. The obligation to respond was a commitment the previous administration made, and I don't think this group has made any such promise. However, what it does (or did) do is provide a counterpoint to claims that issues/concerns are being manufactured by the media, and

Or add his name, in garish gold lettering, to the existing one, then claim to have built it.

The great thing about roughly 99% of pop culture is that, if you don't like it, it is very easy to avoid. But the 1% that is ubiquitous is usually already a punching bag so nobody is going to think you're edgy for complaining about it.

Mr. Deepfried

Then good news! The Russian labor camps won't have internet.

I badly want to eat at Pawnee's own 'Jurassic Fork'

Consensus on the TSR sub seems to be Tyrogue/Hitmontop have not been made available yet.

Only been there a hand full of times to eat or see shows, its always been one of those 'I really like that place, why don't I go there more?' spots - though to be fair its a bit of a hike from my neighborhood.
There is a big push to visit this weekend and show support. I'm going to try to make it, but either way

"TJ Miller slapped an Uber Driver"
"That's bad"
"The Uber Driver is a trump supporter"

I don't realize the uber driver was also famous

He literally lives in a gilded Manhattan penthouse. Just like a real American!

You're right. A wealthy "musician" who panders to working class middle America tries to sell some crass bullshit piggybacking on the success of a "billionaire" who got elected lying to working class middle America, and we're the ones going after 'easy targets'.