
The fun part is going to be figuring out who’s a Host and who’s a Guest.

I haven’t played it but am very much looking forward to it because that studio is extremely talented. Fun fact: a TON of people who worked on Star Wars 1313 are now on Mafia 3.

In your honest opinions what has been the biggest gaming (or non gaming) disappointment of 2016?

How powerful do you think the NX will be?

“her parents began monitoring her time online, according to the affidavit.”

I don’t get this at all, does Sony really think they are so far ahead that they can piss off a substantial subset of gamers and there won’t be a backlash?

Right? It’s one of the best trailers I’ve ever seen, and it’s all a lie.


I absolutely adore Sleeping Dogs, to the point that I willingly purchased the Definitive Edition on PC, even though I already had the original and the HD pack (hey, I wanted to support the devs and let Squeenix know that more of their stuff needs to land on the PC platform).

I don’t get distracted by travel in SD so

Watch it or fuck off.

Good call! I’ll bump up this comment so people see.

you forgot to mention the fact that the next update will contain base building and owning large freighters

Triss is such an asshole for taking advantage of Geralt when he had amnesia. On top of that, her voice actress in Witcher 3 is super annoying. Yen is the only possible choice.

The better question is who’s able to login to Pokemon Go, honestly.

You can always update the article and while you’re at it retitle it “games fucking Nintendo should fucking put in the fucking virtual store” 😝

Just because you say it is doesnt mean it is. If you look anywhere is it not clearly defined as a Japanese Role Playing Game. It has slight elements of role playing but is defined as a brawler/life simulator.