
You can’t not read this with a big goofy smile on your face. Video Games are weird, esports are weird, but they’re goddamn fun, and that is all that matters.

In your honest opinions what has been the biggest gaming (or non gaming) disappointment of 2016?

I’ve always wanted to play it, just could never go back to my PS3 once I made the jump to PS4. Wish they put out a remaster, or I just might have to break and pull out the ol PS3

Jesus. Thanks for bringing up that trailer again. It still gives me chills watching that thing. I had never played a Final Fantasy game, but that trailer alone put me on my path towards anticipation for FFXV. Too bad that scene never takes place in the game.

I think this is the first time we’ve seen them change their outfits. Strangely excited about that.

With Scorpio and Neo coming up in the next couple years, what are your personal thoughts about console life cycles and upgrades within the console space.

From what I’ve read and watched the developers completely agree with you. They have said that the Kratos of prior games was a one dimensional character built for the PS2 era. Apparently they are taking huge cues from Last of Us and creating a multi faceted and interesting character to connect with.