Do you have any credible source for this?
Do you have any credible source for this?
I got my specs fot $7 each, so I got multiple pairs. That’s my nod to zenni optical.
I live in Oregon where there’s a big push to get people to care about earthquake prep, but when I talk about getting basic water and food supplies my husband does the whole “Well if it makes you feel better, but don’t become a crazy prepper...”
He’s going to thank me once I buy the supplies and the Cascadia Subduction…
Right? For me, it was realizing that, even in a non-emergency... even if a blizzard or hurricane knocked out power and it was hard for people to get out to get to a store that was under-stocked anyway... It would be so easy to just have some food and water saved up. Do I really want to be the person who has to go to…
You would be SHOCKED how many people hear me say that and immediately roll their eyes like I’m some nutjob prepper... Since when did have a week’s worth of food and water stored in the basement make you crazy?
A year or so ago I did something similar (on a smaller scale) and filled up a 5-gallon bucket with a few weeks worth of food along with some basic survival gear. Nothing crazy. You would be SHOCKED how many people hear me say that and immediately roll their eyes like I’m some nutjob prepper... Since when did have a…
Generally, you do NOT want to use distilled water for drinking purposes as it can leach electrolytes from your tissues in order to add them to the mineral free water you are drinking. This is necessary so that your body can function normally and eliminate waste.Stick with purified water that has had minerals added…
This is a good and thoughtful list. I assume none of your family have prescription medecine needs, if they do then a month’s worth. Also a couple of Zpacs, you won’t miss antibiotics until you need them desperately.
How much cash is recommended to keep on hand? I also live in a major city and probably wouldn’t be able to get out in the event of an emergency or to get home from where I am.
i’ve put my patagonia refugio through six years of shit (college, hiking, study abroad) and it’s held up admirably. plus, upon leaving a banana to rot in the side pocket (3x no less), it’s gone through the washing machine with flying colors.
i’ve put my patagonia refugio through six years of shit (college, hiking, study abroad) and it’s held up admirably.…
The EO Travel Backpack from Incase:
The EO Travel Backpack from Incase:
Plenty of people, myself included, prefer the versatility and ergonomics of backpacks to single-shoulder messenger…
Hopefully, you’ll never be in a situation where you have to use these tips, but they might just come in handy to…
Glad you enjoyed it! I only poke fun at it here because I feel like it’s the book that everyone picks up due to word of mouth and never actually reads because it’s a tome :P
“And if it feels more like fun, you’re going to do it more. It’s okay to give up on Infinite Jest.”
I love books. I can’t leave a bookstore without at least one. But I also have a tendency to buy books and not…
“Listen to your body” is the answer to almost all fitness questions - but it takes a lot of wisdom and experience to listen well.
Yoga is how Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Ryan Giggs played their respective sports professionally into “old age.”
Mentally, my rest days have to still include some sort of deliberate exercise-- even if it’s just stretching for 15 minutes-- just to keep the routine going (I suppose the same logic applies to maintaining any routine). Once I skip one day in the name of rest, it gets easier to skip subsequent days. Thus goes the…