I had just put a cold air intake on my car and was revving it in the garage when my mom flung open the garage door, looked right at me and after a pregnant pause...”sounds bitchin” then went back inside without a word.
I had just put a cold air intake on my car and was revving it in the garage when my mom flung open the garage door, looked right at me and after a pregnant pause...”sounds bitchin” then went back inside without a word.
Great post, Karen! Don’t forget, you’re also cooler than your son.
Porsches and snow.
Agreed. I know this is for the Corvette, but this is the last good Chevy commercial I can remember.
These ads have a detrimental effect on my quality of life.
I generally don’t like gold on...anything, but in this car I totally dig it.
After like a week one will look like a Ferrari (burnt down).. So there’s hope for you
This McLaren is a reminder to why all of us like cars. The technical ingenuniety apparent in every detail, the whole beauty of thing.. it’s stunning from every angle. A glorious reminder of why I study so hard; for I can hope that one day..
Please listen to Andrew and do not run over the kitties, send them to me
Probably because ‘economics 101’ pretends to be taken seriously as a real science, but it’s actually right there along side psychology 101, and it’s mostly used as a way to create ‘fake’ evaluations of politicall opinions.
Yeah, but on the flip side, otherwise nice cars are EASILY let down by an interior beneath that car’s station. Case in point (of COURSE it’s a GM): The Cadillac ATS (my images are getting kinja’d, but everyone here can use Google and see my point.)
That’s a big... gif.
“Demand is too low” would have been a better excuse than “we don’t know how to make a manual transmission.”
I wish BMW offered more models.
I think the issue at hand here is that Trump thinks North Korea is in the Indian Ocean.
Yeah, I’m a terrible driver because some piece of garbage side swiped my car while it was parked in front of my house & drove away.
Will I fix it? Yes.
Am I going to do it right now? Nah.
Generally, yes, but what if you’ve been hit and run? Do you shell out and take a ding on your insurance and cash out of pocket or do you hope someone else hits the same spot and their insurance pays for it?
Buick is in a perfect position as it competes with Audi, while Caddy competes with BMW. Audi is a notch down from BMW, and Buick is a notch down from Caddy.