brett caton

She may well be lying. We can't tell if anything she has said is true. It might also be that she simply believes she couldn't change, and kept walking her path when she could have stepped off all along.

Victor has brought two men back to life - and we know that at least one of those has, despite his mistakes, worked out well.

"he killed a woman and brought her back"

If the phrase “white privilege” has existed at this time - the Irish and Jews would have wondered why the hell it didn't apply to them?

I think she has the emotional maturity of her chronological age, more or less, but the intellect of an older child.

Well, we've only seen one. Maybe he's the world's strongest.

Most children her age are sociopaths, tho. Two year olds can be quite dangerous and she has the power of tank. She just doesn't understand good and evil. She does have compassion - she loves her mum, and she wants a Daddy who will do that too - she did that to Meisner as a little baby. Remember when Adalind was

Even when it's killing the person who has motive and opportunity to kill your child? I think Adalind was conflicted, but she knew full well that B. was probably going to kill her or one of her children sometime.

"Wondering if Renard is going to try to bullshit his way out of retribution by saying it was his plan all along."

"It would have been so easy for Adalind to encourage Diana to kill
Bonaparte. "

" I just think that critiquing a woman's body makes me the lowest form
of shit. "

"I think the idea is that a random internet person's opinion on a famous
woman's weight (or, more generally, looks) is irrelevant to anything."

"She needs a sandwich!" is a thing that is said.

"They're all idiots.."

If you can point me to the MRA website where MRAs have made this an item of importance? Some conference where it was on the agenda? Anywhere actual MRAs got together and mentioned it as an MRA issue?

"So, listen, I hate myself for saying this, but I think Katie Cassidy
looked better before she lost weight."

Adalind might well have assumed they had some method of protecting themselves - after all, the Royals walked all over her.

Renard's friend - the one he murdered when possessed - seemed to be a powerful "good witch", so presumably it's possible, although i expect they need training like Monroe to be able to tame their Wessen side.

But then she's be playing them as good Juliette - whereas it makes more sense to have good Juliette leaking through Eve. Alternatively, Eve is simply protecting an asset against a potential enemy. Nick's a good ally to her cause but Adalind could very easily become Black Claw.

Is this a Poe?