brett caton

"The wage gap between men and women in Hollywood has been a topic of note in the past year, with Jennifer Lawrence, Amanda Seyfried, and others weighing in on the disparity between the amounts paid to men to play make-believe for a living vs. women."

Bullfrogs don't sleep. There's quite a few animals that probably don't sleep. It's trivial to imagine machine intelligences that don't. And i'm pretty sure humans won't eventually.

"the whole point of the exercise is to err on the side of mercy"

"Forbidden Planet". That would have been interesting. A lost opportunity.

I found the ending very enjoyable; in fact, if that's all they had shown, I would have been fine with it. Just the last frame of the show after the credits, when they were talking about what was coming up next. Brilliant!

And an edit suite. Frankly, they could have skipped the whole "eating the universe" thing and pursued gainful employment. I mean, I expect they had memorised ALL the hotkeys!

Yes, you'd think they'd just have cat memes or something if they wanted everyone to watch it.

I thought they were going to go the "Forbidden Planet" route and have the sleep deprivation manifesting as nightmares killing everyone (or rather, driving them into danger).

I thought of that too; it would have been far more interesting to have had him trapped in a sleep pod in a shared dream, and having to escape it through reason.

It's worth watching if there's nothing on except infomercials and you are very tired and just want to drown out the noises of your environment. A warm glass of milk is also recommended.

"Do you always need a man around to make you feel safe?"

"Brona wasn't evil "

Do suck yourself off somewhere else.

This is psuedo-science.

true - but John's not really *that* evil, or at least his evil was more in response to abuse. It has some logic to it. And he clearly has empathy and could have relationships if his murderous rages and paranoia weren't undermining him.

"Brona never made a choice, it was made for her."

I don't want to spoil it for you, although using the internet means I find it almost impossible to avoid knowing everything before i see a TV set - people put spoilers in the headlines of buzzfeed etc.

Brona was dying (horribly) and she thought that she was going to be damned. Most of the people of her time would have agreed with that assessment. And considering how evil Lilly is - maybe all that wickedness was in her all along, and she knew she *deserved* damnation - and was trying to cheat it.

You didn't read it, did you?

"In "The Little Coochie Snorcher that Could", an underage girl (thirteen
in earlier performances, sixteen in the revised version) recounts being
given alcohol and then having sex with an adult woman"