brett caton

"Well, it would take Jesse all but 3 seconds to just utter "No hood" using the Word, and that would be it."

" The backstory showed Beth dying, so clearly is false"

Might hamper flying - presumably it's partially magical but they still have limitations.

Yeah, and all it would have taken for Dany to be killed for the war to be over. Just one slip… or if a bad landing left her on the bottom.

Bronn's gone above and beyond for his friends. He's not just a mercenary, but he certainly sees most folks as suckers.He's complicated. I think he'd be happier if he as more of a pure mercenary.

That's the thing. He's not stupid. He doesn't care about anything but winning. If something doesn't work, he will just think about it.

Just going from the show, they aren't much good at anything except being mounted infantry and maybe archers - which is great for raiding, not so great against pike formations.

He had his name changed - it kept scaring people.

I know, right? Great race for a space traveller; all the bonuses, and you don't have to worry about sunlight.

or other factors, such as asbestos being used in the older buildings or toxins leaching in from some illegal dumping..

Well, Grimms have always been good when fighting with weapons (thus their latin name), but there's always been Wesen who didn't fear them even then. With just a pistol, limited ammunition, he's not really all that scary.

"She's still a Hexenbiest, she has her full Hexenbiest powers"

"wasn't Eve basically a killer machine able to obliterate people with her mind at will?"

Which wouldn't make sense as Wessen were around during the Egyptian pyramid building.

He probably hangs out in bathroom mirrors until he can find a nice pair to snatch up.

Yep, especially as it seems to be associated with the afterlife - possibly for evil wessen, possibly for everyone, due to the death grip thing.

It's pretty much confirmed it's the Shadow King, but they are likely to alter the origin, like they did with Nightcrawler, to avoid mentioning demons etc.…

If mutants were real and some were super-intelligent, then they'd most likely be trying to make money from inventions etc. than taking over or saving the world, and even evil people would work with them because that would be profitable and safe.

I wish they'd explained why the soldiers got up as if uninjured. It would have been nice to at least have a flash of someone acting as a Healer.