Brett Alan

Pleasepleaseplease make it Sally, so that I can headcanon that her maiden name is Sasser. As I said last week, Dan Rydell was right!

Is there no possibility that it will actually be Michael Dorn under there? Because I'd like to see that.

I think the line about hypersexualizing her in the workout gear was a writer needling the producers for the sweaty workout scenes they frequently put into the episodes. If it wasn't, it's a mighty lack of self-awareness.

That assumes that there's some reason for Barry having to move out of Joe's house while looking for a place of his own, other than that they wanted to do that scene. There isn't one.

This was a fun hour, better than just about anything Legends has given us so far. Yet I still find myself focused on some negatives:

Or because there is much, much better Aaron Sorkin to rip off than the closing arc of The Newsroom?


AV Club always says they grade each show on its own scale, meaning that every series should have some As, and you can't really compare from one show to another.

That little drawing Barry made didn't really explain a damn thing about time travel. It only makes sense if he thought the others were unfamiliar with the concept of lines.

If you're suggesting that this storyline ends with Barry finally finding the perfect timeline, where his parents are still alive and everything else is wonderful, only to leave it because no one knows what a donut is, I'm totally down with that.

Yeah, Failing Skies, as I like to call it, really fell apart.

But "Quit Playin…" didn't hit the US charts until summer '97. BSB were basically unknown in the US at the time.

If every kid in the class got to speak, the graduation would have lasted until 2016 anyway! B^}

Also, the ep passed the Bechdel test when we saw Allison and Nicole talking about the Becdel test, no?

Yeah. I could buy two grad students talking about in in 1995, but not two middle schoolers who don't seem particularly well-versed in feminism. BTW, Dan seems to misunderstand the test; the issue is whether they talk about something OTHER than a man, not whether or not they talk about a man.

If that's heresy, I'm a heretic with you.

It can be two things.

Can't imagine why the show where Hive, the conspiracy led by a supervillian with magic mind control powers who is trying to stage an apocalypse so that he can remake the world in his own image, takes over control of an arsenal of nuclear weapons, would make you think of the show where Hive, the supervillian with magic

Yes, he—meaning Alex—is in on it. The mayor had given him the HIVE yellow pills.

I like to think that Diane had a side bet with Jessica Pearson as to whose law firm could change names the most often. Maybe on the Suits finale the two firms will merge and cycle through dozens of permutations in an hour. B^}